At 150 ad 5'4, can you still look "fat?"



  • August_1958
    August_1958 Posts: 110 Member
    I think there are other factors to consider. Nothing is black and white. Look at the other shades of gray (pardon the pun)!! :)

    How old are you? If you are young-young, then 150 will probably be too heavy at that heighth (I am the same heighth). The good thing about being in your 20's and under, your body will adapt to your weight loss very well.

    If you are in your... say, 50's... 150 may be an excellent weight to be at. our bodies change shape as we age. With natural aging and childbirth, etc, our bodies find new ways to reinvent themselves! LOL I am a size 10/12 and I still have a way to go to hit that weight. So by the time I am at 150, I look to be about a size 6/8. That is very acceptable to me!

    Also, as everyone has already stated, the body shape has a lot to do with it also. And what the individual BELIEVES is "still looking fat". Don't forget to love yourself as you are... and be happy with your successes on the way down!
  • hockeymomrw
    hockeymomrw Posts: 35 Member
    I agree with a lot of people here in saying that it depends on many things. I am 5'3" and currently weight 153 pounds. I have a lot of muscle from running and P90X so I don't have any fat rolls. I just went to a waterpark and couldn't wait to put on my bikini! :) Having said that, I still have a ways to go, and I am aiming for a weight of 140. The more exercise and muscle building, the better!!
  • sbbhbm
    sbbhbm Posts: 1,312 Member
    Body comp has a lot to do with it. I'm 5'5 and weigh 152. I only wear a size 4 (or 6 depending on the cut, I have a bit of a tush).
  • eganita
    eganita Posts: 501 Member
    It depends, I think. At my highest, I was around 168 or so... I thought I looked "fat".

    More recently, I was about 138 and not quite happy with my figure. I am now about 133 lbs or so, but my body is much more muscular. I look a lot leaner than I did with only 5 extra pounds on me. I think a lot depends upon your body frame and your body fat percentage. I am actually using body fat as my key performance metric instead of weight at this point.
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    You could still look "fat" at 150 if you have a high body fat %. When we lose weight, the majority of the time we lose muscle along the way. Less muscle normally means a higher body fat % which can make you look bigger than you are.

    You could be that height and 150lbs and look much bigger than if you were that height at 170lbs depending on your muscle mass and body fat %. More muscle means a higher weight but a smaller body.
  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    I've come a long way and I have a LONG way to go. I started at 250 and now I'm in the 190s. I still have my tummy and back fat though. I am an apple shape. While I know everyone is different, would I still have said rolls and such when I hit my goal weight of 150? (I swim and lift weights btw).

    I'm about to post a new photo and you can look at me :) I'm 5'3" and weighed in this morning at 148 and took this photo :)
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    I am 5'3 and 150, my bf% is around 23-24% -- I would not say I am fat at all. I wear a size 10 pants and medium tops. It really depends on how how you are built and carry weight. I am an hourglass shape with a medium frame -- I tend to gain weight all over and lose it all over. But my stomach is the last place I lose, first place I gain.
  • vguynes
    vguynes Posts: 794 Member
    Congratulations on your success so far! I'm 5'3" and I weighed 155 when I started MFP. I thought I looked "fat" then. Now, I weigh 129 and I'm happy with this weight. You'll be able to assess how you look and feel after you reach the 150. Your 150 will not look like anyone else's 150. Best wishes! :smile:
  • fevermaps
    fevermaps Posts: 162 Member
    I'm 5'4 and 123lb and i still have a flabby stomach. I think it's about toning not so much weight loss. That's what i'm trying to do!
  • Rehobobound
    Rehobobound Posts: 143 Member
    I'm a little shorter than 5'4 and am at 145. i plan to lose another 10-18 but you can determine if i look fat or no

    You look great! I'm 5'4 and I'd love to be at 145 now.
  • dondimitri
    dondimitri Posts: 245 Member
    I think you've made amazing progress.

    You've lost 60 pounds! Wow.

    I think with another 40, from 190 to 150, you are going to start to see a new body emerging. Exactly how that is going to look is TBD.

    You may be happy with that. You may choose to keep on going.

    But at that point you will deserve a huge pat on the back. (You do already.) Losing 100 pounds is something a LOT of people will only ever dream of.

    You are wonderful motivation for a lot of people. Thanks!
  • Druidor
    Druidor Posts: 29 Member
    people are surprised when I say I was nearly 18St due to my body shape I look generally normal apart from the bit around the waist, doctor once told me due to my structure I will never look the skinny person rather the stocky look.
  • carrieliz81
    carrieliz81 Posts: 489 Member
    Um, I'm 5'2" and when I weighed 156 I felt great!! Certainly I was nothing you could consider skinny, and I would never have put myself in a bikini, but I was really proud of the progress I made, and I felt very confident about myself and how I looked! I would worry more about how happy you feel, how healthy you feel, and how confident you are... I bet you will look AMAZING at 150, and look how much progress you have already made! If you get there and want to lose more, go for it, but be excited about living in the moment too!
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    My sister is 5'4" and looks best at 135 and she does weight training as well.

    I am only 5'2", so you don't want to compare to me; I look fat at 135, I am 119 right now and that is good for me
  • oh_em_gee
    oh_em_gee Posts: 887 Member
    Sure. I'm a hair taller than that and would be a size 10-12, which is average, but some would consider that fat.

    I think it really helps to be toned and have more muscle mass and less fat. That makes a huge difference
  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,503 Member
    I agree with what the others have stated. It all depends on your body type, body composition and frame size. I know women who look too skinny at that height/weight combo. For me, 149 was my "oh, my God, I'm out of control" weight. I have a very small frame and a banana/ruler body type, so every extra ounce goes right to my waistline. I didn't have "rolls" unless I sat down, but I looked hugely bloated, like a grape on toothpicks! I'm now around 140 and have started lifting so my body composition will improve. I still feel I have another 20 pounds to go, but it just depends on what I see in the mirror. If I look "bikini-ready" at 135 I'll take it. Don't get hung up on numbers. It's different for everyone.

    Congratulations on your success so far!
  • mcpherson4
    mcpherson4 Posts: 287 Member
    yeah I'm 5"4' and 148 and FAT.

    it is because I am not doing any excercise so I have a ton of fat instead of a little muscle.

    I have to disagree.
    You do not look fat in the least bit!
    with which part? :smile:
  • H1L5
    H1L5 Posts: 55 Member
    I'm 5ft 4 and weigh 145 pounds. I think that's fat and have just started dieting. Looking good can depend on what age you are too. When I was young 128 pounds was a good weight for me but now I'm 63 and I think I would look scrawny and wrinkly at that weight. So I'm going for around 138 pounds. I'll see if I'm right if I ever get there.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Cross that bridge when you get there.
    Fantastic progress so far.
    Try and be more positive.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    At 5'2" and 135 lbs I was fat. Not a bikini body, rolls over my jeans and an extra chin.