TODAY not 'tomorrow'

Today I splurged. Yesterday I splurged. Not more than 200 calories over my goal but I still felt like crap about it. Today was supposed to be my weightlifting day and I skipped it. Finally I decided to take the dog out for a run and it was so beautiful out that i got an extra mile in. :smile: After I logged it, even after my splurging, I was over on my carbs and sugar but under by 60 cals for my total. :happy: TODAY I turned things around instead of waiting to get back on the wagon 'tomorrow.' I was very proud of myself! Just wanted to share!


  • auttyfrmca
    auttyfrmca Posts: 125 Member
    I often say well I've already messed up today....I might as well eat like yuck the rest of the day. Today I did well until I went to a birthday party. I really started my calorie counting on Monday and stayed right under 1200 all week. Pretty proud of myself but i know that when I get up tomorrow it's going to be a new. day (although i was at the party the cake was gross so I didn't finish it BUT they had yummy sugar cookies with icing...WEAKNESS! ) Thanks for the motivation though to change my thinking on changing that day instead of waiting!
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    I do the same thing and if i continue to eat after I 'completed my diary' I don't log it! But my husband is gonna be home sooner than I realized and I want to look HOT when he comes home!!
  • dclarsh1
    dclarsh1 Posts: 83
    I don't remember where I heard this, but I keep this analogy in my head when I slip up a little...

    If you ran a red light on your way to work, you wouldn't just say 'screw it' and continue running red lights all the way there, would you? No, you'd probably be scared out of your mind that a cop would show up out of nowhere and you'd be extra careful the rest of the way.

    Same goes for little mistakes with our diets.
  • stringsNlinks
    stringsNlinks Posts: 293 Member
    I don't remember where I heard this, but I keep this analogy in my head when I slip up a little...

    If you ran a red light on your way to work, you wouldn't just say 'screw it' and continue running red lights all the way there, would you? No, you'd probably be scared out of your mind that a cop would show up out of nowhere and you'd be extra careful the rest of the way.

    Same goes for little mistakes with our diets.

    I love this! Soooooo true. I will file this one away in my thick little skull - thanks!