Calorie help

Yesterday was my first day counti g calories and I went way under. I currently weigh around 370 and mfp has me eating 2450 calories a week to loose 2lbs a been. I also work at about 3 times a week. How important is it for me to eat all my calories and do I need to eat back the calories I burn? Does anybody have any tips for a beginner like me? Thanks in advance!


  • Machafin
    Machafin Posts: 2,988 Member
    How far under were you? The calories they give you are a pretty good number to go by and I would try to stick close to it. A 2 lb loss a week is a pretty good number to lose, if you do too much your body will recognize this and try to fight against by holding on to every calorie you intake. Try to stick to the number it gives you for a couple of weeks, weigh yourself on the same scale the same time of day and record the changes. If you lose more than that a week or you are not losing that, adjust your calories by 200 either way depending and see how it affects your progress. You want to maintain a steady loss and you will have to do adjustments throughout the process. Good Luck! Also, depending on your bodyfat % you may lose more than that.
  • mydeloo78
    mydeloo78 Posts: 328 Member
    Its important to eat all of your calories, but at a higher starting weigh you will have more to eat. Try to chose higher calorie foods (I know, seems silly) but healthy ones.. think nuts, good oils, avocado... those will take up a lot of calories without huge volumes. IF you can't do it, eat until you are full but not stuffed and go from there. As you lose your calories will go down and you'll want all your calories :)
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    There's a lot of people who can give you lots of advice about this. But here's mine: For now while you're starting out, do whatever makes sense to you and prevents you from binging (or indulging or whatever habits it was that got you to your current weight). TRY TRY TRY to eat AT LEAST 2000-2200 every single day. AT LEAST. No matter what. But feel confident that, at least for now, you can eat up to 2450 (and a little more on your work out days) and still lose TONS of weight every week.

    Don't be afraid of food. Enjoy it. Savor every bite. But do work on that healthy relationship with it, where you're choosing what goes in your mouth every day based on whether it's tasty, filling, satisfying and whether it meets your goals towards better health. <3