
I know it's very possible to overexercise. I found myself yesterday very much competitive with myself about burning calories. My workouts totaled 118 minutes, plus I walk frequently at my place of work. All in all I burned upwards of 600 calories (sorry my diary is private; I was harassed and took it off public view).

I wanted to know what I should do today? I want to work out BUT I am definitely feeling sore and overworked. I'm also afraid if I begin working out I will get in a cycle like yesterday and not be able to stop.

In short, HELP!

Note: I am a recovering bulimic; not sure if that has anything to do with it.


  • mom2kpr
    mom2kpr Posts: 348 Member
    Depending on where you live, maybe go for a nice walk in a park or around a lake. I find if I walk in areas like that, I go more leisurely just to take my surroundings. Or if weather is bad, walk around a mall. I would feel silly running through a mall and I like to window shop (although if you're like me leave $$ at home) and people watch.
  • SJ46
    SJ46 Posts: 407 Member
    600 calories burned during exercise is not excessive, I can burn a little over 500 in 50 minutes of a BodyCombat class and my calorie burns are usually lower than others because I am small and am pretty fit. What were you doing for 118 minutes? You can be more efficient if you incorporate interval training, if you are interested.

    As for today, do a light workout if you are sore perhaps of a different type.