Snacking is of the DEVIL!!!!

I have been trying to eat healthy but I can not stop snacking, even if they are healthy snacks the calories just add up. It is frustrating and I do not know what to do? I need some guidance MyFitnessPal family!!!


  • jhwellness
    jhwellness Posts: 156 Member
    It is very difficult indeed I struggle msotly at night. it try to distract myself or find other activities to participate in. It is also to have someone you know or online to hold you accountable.
  • I have got rid of all the naughty snacks and I just have fruit in the house. My logic is that if I have to (or want to) eat, then at least I am eating the healthy sugar rush option!
  • lucy529
    lucy529 Posts: 127 Member
    same here i tend to want to snack when am at work in the afternoon since that is what i did before but i have begun to drink water when i get that feeling and that usually helps, try to keep occupyed with something else read a book or go for a walk anything that will keep you mind of of food. good luck to you
  • 1.) Do not buy/keep unhealthy snacks around the house
    2.) Chew slowly, and take breaks between bites (weird, but it works)
    3.) Drink lots of water
    4.) Eat foods high in protein. I have found that they weight heavier on your stomach and make you feel fuller faster. For me anyway.

    Hope this helps and good luck! :)
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,780 Member
    I find that if I eat a good solid meal, I don't need to snack in between meals. If I do need a snack, I have fruit or nuts. Raisins or crasins if I have a sweet tooth. Also I have found that the more sugar I cut from my diet, the less I need to snack on sweet things. The only processed sugar I have now is with my coffee, and I'm starting to wean myself from 2 tsp to 1 tsp.
  • jennmodugno
    jennmodugno Posts: 363 Member
    I was the most awful snacker you've ever seen. The only thing that helped me was giving myself one "treat" at night, and telling myself I had to work out first. For some reason, knowing it was coming kept me from heading right for the kitchen during the day, and by exercising first it reminded me why I'm trying to be healthy, and kept me from going overboard on the snack.
  • Oh and one more thing... When I snack I try to have snacks that are hard to chew. So I get tired of chewing them eventually lol. Like carrots, apples, raw almonds. All good stuck. :)
  • T1mH
    T1mH Posts: 568 Member
    For me I have to eat more often but just try to control my portions and eat healthy. Fresh foods, lean meats, fruits and vegetables seem to help me curb my hunger the most.
  • staceypunk
    staceypunk Posts: 924 Member
    I drink a lot of tea and coffee throughout the day. It's hardly any calories and keeps my brain occupied enough to be able to resist snacking.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Plan your snacks into your day. My diary is will see that I have an AM snack as well as PM snack...actually the PM snack is 2 snacks (one around 3 or 4 PM and one around 6-7 PM) because I don't eat dinner until quite late. I plan these and pre-log them...this way I know where I am at all times and don't have to worry about having my snacks, they're just built into the plan for the day
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    You only have one complete day logged so far, but you were under your goal by nearly 300 calories. If you function better with smaller meals and more snacks, that's completely fine. It's the total calories per day that's important, not when you eat them.

    But if you don't like eating that often, experiment with larger meals and see if you stay fuller in between. Yesterday, for instance, you had a 300 calorie dinner and ate 800 calories worth of snacks. Maybe if you ate an 800 calorie dinner, you could do with 300 in snacks.
  • I'm a snack fanatic....but it's all "decent" snacks for the most part (with the exception to my addiction for any "chip") :smile: My house is setup for failure. Seems I can't go anywhere without having to go thru the kitchen - :laugh:

    First off, why are you snacking? That will tell you how to tackle your problem. If it's because you are hungry then you need to eat something that is more filling. For me, I keep "fiber" around the house. I add it to protein shakes, making sure to add cups of water before and after. It's still calories, because I usually add a banana, but I get the protein benefit from the powder...combined with the "fullness" of the fiber. The "cheat factor" is that it taste like a milk shake plus it's pretty sweet tasting.

    If you crave unhealthy snacks you just need to replace them with healthy ones. PLUSSSSSS you need to show disclipline when you go shopping and keep unhealthy snacks out of your cart. If you do "treat" yourself make sure that you only allow 1 "satisfactory snack" and you try to stick to the portion on the bag. For example, I like "chips." While I don't have a weight issue, I don't need all of the salt. I choose a chip that is lower in sodium and easy to tortilla chips or rounds...Utz Ruffles if they're on sale. It's easy to count 10 or 13 chips if they aren't all crumbled up
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    1. Don't bring anything too tempting into the house.
    2. Plan a *satisfying* snack every evening, and log it ahead of time. (For me it's cheese & crackers and an iced coffee.)

    When you're outside of the house, it's gonna be willpower and staying focused on the big picture, but planning ahead of time is the way to go. If you plan your food the night before or in the AM, you know what you have to look forward to. You can also plan a junk-food or high-calorie day/evening once in a while, too. It's actually a good idea for a lot of reasons.