2 Week Hiatus from C25K...Now What?

Okay so I lost my motivation for the C25K and it's now been 2 and a half weeks since I've done it. I stopped right before I was about to start week 5. I was doing really well with it until that point (I've completed the program once before). My question is, should I pick up where I left off, or go back a few weeks and start from there?


  • happycauseIride
    happycauseIride Posts: 536 Member
    I'm wondering this too. I got to the end of Week 7 and then have been out for two and a half weeks with tendonitis in my shin. I'm just starting to walk on my treadmill again and it will be at least another week or two until I run again. My tentative plan is to start back at the end of Week 4 or beginning of Week 5 and if it is too easy I will jump ahead. But, I have never run before.
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    I would go start over the last week you did. So, if you got to Week 4, Day 3, I'd start at Week 4, Day 1 and see how that goes. If it feels awesome/easy, then perhaps you can skip back up to Week 5 (or wherever you left off), but I would ease back into it. if it feels hard, I'd go back to Week 3.