Always working at this

Hi everyone! Just wanted to see who else is in the same boat... of always working at this. I've always had a weight issue - but back in the 90's - with the low-fat craze, I got my weight down to 135 - TOO skinny actually. But I've put it all back on over the years. I'm now 41 & its even more of a struggle. Age is a fun thing, huh? But I'm also a runner - if you want to call me that - I'm a turtle - but I still try. & STILL dont loose weight. I'm also a vegetarian - an animal lover... & I'm also one of those people who try everything natural first. Wish I could find a holistic doctor near by...

For fun, I knit & I'm also a photographer... love meeting new people & capturing moments of their life.
I'm also a youth leader & love teaching jr high & sr. high kids all about Jesus!

So just wanted to introduce myself & meet some new people who can relate