
Which scales do you recommend Standing sliding scales(non electric), bathroom scales(non electric) or the wii.
On the standing scales I got 184
On the bathroom scales I got 171
on the Wii I got 177
So I averaged them and got 178 :)


  • moustache_flavored_lube
    I would pick one and stick with it. The key is that you measure progress. Occasionally cross check on an alternate scale to confirm it is reporting the same weight loss.
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    It doesn't matter which one you pick.

    Pick one and stick with it. Don't weigh on any other scale... use one and one only.

    Different scales will weight differently based on your foot placement, where the scale is located, how often it is moved, how cold/hot the scale is, the type of flooring it is on, battery level, etc.

    Don't weigh on multiple scales.