5k hilly run is a surprise to me!



  • digressions
    digressions Posts: 19 Member
    Do it!!!! Don't let a few hills stop you! If you have to stop and walk, who cares. If you can push through it, think how awesome it will feel!!!

    ^^^ This!

    I ran my first ever 5k race New Years Day. I had only been "running" (interval training) for about 6 months, on mostly flat ground. When I saw what the course was going to consist of, I was nervous for sure, and almost felt like dropping out...but I knew I would later feel so disappointed in myself if I did so. So I did it, pushed on through the snowy ground and hills and -10c temperature and the fear that I was going to come in last. I walked when I felt I needed to, and when I crossed that finish line, it was one of the proudest moments of my life! It took me 36:30 to finish (like you, my regular flattish route takes me 32 maybe 33) but I was not the slowest by a long shot, and I will never forget that incredible moment when I crossed my first finish line! When I got home, I took of my bib number and used a magnet to slap it on the fridge like a proud child would a crayon drawing. It is still there. :) My next race is coming up soon, and while I hope to better my time, it won't bother me if I don't as long as I just do it!

    Congrats on all your amazing accomplishments so far! And seriously...DO IT!!! Dig deep and you just might surprise yourself with what you are capable of! The only other "during the race" advice I can offer as a newbie myself: Keep in mind the reasons you are doing this. Don't let the mere sight of the hill stop you, but look down and slow your pace, walk if you need to. Remind yourself that it's really just half an hour (ish) of your life so you might as well give it all you've got!!!

    Now, go rock that race! Good luck!
  • digressions
    digressions Posts: 19 Member
    You are right! This was from an old post that people asked me to post my results on. I did the race today and completed 2 minutes better than my personal best. The hills were motivating in the end. Finished in a modest 30:53. Can't wait to chip my time down more.

    That'll teach me to read all the way to the end of the thread before posting! LOL

    Congrats - that is amazing! Way to go!
  • caribear1984
    Congratulations, awesome job!
  • sleibo87
    sleibo87 Posts: 403 Member
    Wow perfect topic! I JUST got done running my first official 5k this morning! I was not expecting the HILLS and was not prepared or that or the dirt roads. I am so used to my treadmill and nice a/c not 85 degree CA weather and those hills lol. I ran it in about 31-32 mins and to be hones felt like barfing afterwards. Just take it slow, pace yourself and MILK that parts that are DOWN hill! Remember to breath and don't put yourself too hard in the beginning. You will do great!
  • Rachrealtor
    You are right! This was from an old post that people asked me to post my results on. I did the race today and completed 2 minutes better than my personal best. The hills were motivating in the end. Finished in a modest 30:53. Can't wait to chip my time down more.

    That'll teach me to read all the way to the end of the thread before posting! LOL

    Congrats - that is amazing! Way to go!

    It is my fault. I am not sure of this community message board etiquette. Thanks though! I feel really empowered.
  • Rachrealtor
    Wow perfect topic! I JUST got done running my first official 5k this morning! I was not expecting the HILLS and was not prepared or that or the dirt roads. I am so used to my treadmill and nice a/c not 85 degree CA weather and those hills lol. I ran it in about 31-32 mins and to be hones felt like barfing afterwards. Just take it slow, pace yourself and MILK that parts that are DOWN hill! Remember to breath and don't put yourself too hard in the beginning. You will do great!
    I hear that. I felt nauseous at the last 1/2 mile but pushed through and it stopped.
  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    Always go for it!!! Forget about your time and just finish it. Trust me it feels great. Then after your first 5k your next will be shooting to improve. Walk if you need to. My first 5k my time was terrible but crossing that finish line I didn't care. I made it. It gives you something to build on.

    This!! Go for it!! You won't know until you try. I bet you will surprise yourself with a good time. Don't stress - just have fun!!
  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    Oops, didn't read to the end either! :embarassed: Anyway, great job!! That is an amazing time!!
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Great job. My 5k is a week from tomorrow, I am going to go do an outdoor run with some mild hills tomorrow.