why put other people down?



  • _Pseudonymous_
    _Pseudonymous_ Posts: 1,671 Member
    Because sometimes it's just fun to be mean to people.

    Being mean to someone because they are mentally retarded is low. It's like making fun of someone born without certain limbs. They can't help it, they were born that way, those who weren't born that way usually can't help being made that way.
  • Vincentsz
    Vincentsz Posts: 407 Member
    my grocery store employs many people from ARC. i've never seen them abused, but i know i would step in if i saw it.

    see, there will always be jerks out there. people who dont care about others. people who are having a bad day and feel its ok to take it out on someone they deem less than. there is no getting around the fact that these people exist.

    there is no sense asking why these people exist, they just do. they're jerks, they have every right to live in the world as the rest of us.

    the only thing you can do is stand between evil and the innocent. and these jerks can be classified as the evil. not everyone is willing to stand up to jerks. not everyone has that kind of back bone, or maybe just dont want to get involved. me, i live for that kind of confrontation. but then i'm a hot head.

    "The only thing necessary for the triumph [of evil] is for good men to do nothing."
    Edmund Burke.
  • lovelyMYlovely
    lovelyMYlovely Posts: 1,066 Member
    to answer your question yes people are so insecure and unhappy about themselves that they take it out on others...

    this was very sad to hear.. very sad... they are hard working people.. geez!! that guy was rude and may answer when he dies why he did that... its sad.... lets just hope it was one bad day for this guy... rather than him being like this everyday...

    i hope the employee is ok... maybe u should check on her and give her a REALLY nice compliment..?? maybe it will make her feel better? go back to the store and say something really nice to her!! :)
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    I work retail.

    I am not slow by any means.

    I am often berated and talked down to by those I serve. I have been called ugly, fat, stupid and harassed (repeatedly by some guy I pissed off because I wouldn't break the rules for him). Some people just HAVE to lash out at the world around them.

    Unfortunately the easier a target, the more they'll attack.

    Working in retail has opened me up to a world of truly miserable human beings who can only feel good when others are beneath their feet.
  • starbuckette
    starbuckette Posts: 78 Member
    This just makes me sad. That person needs some serious help, and fast.
  • crazytreelady
    crazytreelady Posts: 752 Member
    That is cruel and I would probably be in a not nice place right now if I were you because I would have taken him outside and kicked his unmentionables....
  • perfectingpatti
    perfectingpatti Posts: 1,037 Member
    "The only thing necessary for the triumph [of evil] is for good men to do nothing." Edmund Burke.

    Agreed. Did you speak up to the jerk?
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    This exact situation was shown on Dateline's show "What Would You Do?" The majority of peope spoke up and said something to the rude customer. I would have torn him a new one.

    As someone with a Down sister (deceased), I applaud any mentally challenged person who holds down a job, and the companies who hire them,
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Some people are useless. And I mean the customer.
  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    A friend of mine was a book store manager. Something of this sort happened there and she kicked the costumer out and told everyone to never allow her in the store.
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    That would make my blood boil and I KNOW I would have said something out loud to the jerk. I have a child with a learning disability/special needs. I guess I'm lucky that I don't see these kinds of situations where I live. People are pretty compassionate and accepting of special needs.

    There's nothing fun about making fun of people who have special needs.
  • Vincentsz
    Vincentsz Posts: 407 Member
    "The only thing necessary for the triumph [of evil] is for good men to do nothing." Edmund Burke.

    Agreed. Did you speak up to the jerk?

    I'm not the OP, But I assure you, If I were there, I would have kicked his *kitten*!
  • LetsMakeupXtina
    LetsMakeupXtina Posts: 627 Member
    this kind of *kitten* gets my blood boiling, not only because it is sad & pathetic but because I have a mentally handicapped sister, and I have heard people say things under their breath and stare at her... I'm a very nice person, but i become a raging b*tch when that happens. and i do call them out. one time i was picking up medicine for my sister at the pharmacy, and these two old ladies were staring, then one of them said "glad thats not my life!" and they both started laughing. better believe i went up to them, got pretty close to their face, stared at them and called them out on their BS. i have no tolerance for that crap. if you didn't say something, you should have. IMO.
  • lawandfitness
    lawandfitness Posts: 1,257 Member
    This is so wrong on so many levels.... I don't understand why people take their crap out on strangers.....

    I hate reading things like this, but the truth is there are so many people like the customer in this story in the world that it is going to happen repeatedly until someone intervenes. Luckily the manager did in this situation...

    To add my own story,

    These past few days in Canada we have been hit with a winter storm, it’s windy, cold and snowy...
    Yesterday my dad pulled up at the bank and when he got out of his car he noticed a $20 bill on the ground, he went to pick it up and it took off in the wind. As he chased it down, he noticed 2 more $20 bills. About 5 feet away were 2 - $50 bills. He looked around to see where the money was coming from and he noticed an old man standing in front of the bank with 1 $20 bill left in his hand looking shocked and confused. My dad approached him and asked if he was ok and if he needed assistance and the man told him he didn't know what just happened to his money. My dad collected all the money he saw in sight and returned it to the man. The man then noticed a teen girl with 2-$50 bills in her hand and asked for them back. The girl refused trying to say it was hers (even though she came out of the coffee shop next door not the bank) until my dad intervened and asked her to return the money..... It made me sad to hear that some people have no compassion.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    “A person who is nice to you, but rude to the waiter, is not a nice person”

    ^^^THIS^^^ It is always wise to inspect the way a potential partner (business, marital or otherwise) treats others. If that person mistreats others--especially strangers---it is wise to reject a partnership with such a person. If you go ahead and form a partnership, expect that you will eventually get that kind of treatment yourself.
  • i didn't want to talk about what i did as i didn't want this to turn into a "good on you" thread. i've known firsthand what it's like to have no one stand up for me, when i was defenseless but not as defenseless as this employee. she was just so nice and was a real trooper. if that happened to me, i would not have been as strong as she was. i just could not understand the guy's logic. not only was he being cruel to someone with a disability, but this person was being nice and respectful towards him. i don't understand why people have to vent out their unhappiness and insecurities this way. there should be more productive ways to get by in life without hurting others.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    i didn't want to talk about what i did as i didn't want this to turn into a "good on you" thread. i've known firsthand what it's like to have no one stand up for me, when i was defenseless but not as defenseless as this employee. she was just so nice and was a real trooper. if that happened to me, i would not have been as strong as she was. i just could not understand the guy's logic. not only was he being cruel to someone with a disability, but this person was being nice and respectful towards him. i don't understand why people have to vent out their unhappiness and insecurities this way. there should be more productive ways to get by in life without hurting others.

    Yeah, my grandmother used to say that some people were just "...full of the green meanies..." and that it was best to avoid such folk but if we saw them abusing another person, we should speak up. Of course, that is to invite the abusive person to abuse you as well but that comes with the territory of standing for what's right.