Help me please! Not losing.



  • get in the habit of weighing and measuring regularily if you are gaining muscle and loosing at the same time it may not reflect on the sale but will refelct in your measurments and clothes :)

    Also opening up your diary will help us help you
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    If you don't have a food scale, GET ONE! I was guessing on what 4oz of meat was or 2oz of noodles and I was way over estimating. Logging is great but you have to be accurate for it to make a difference.
  • Just want to give you some encouragement. If you notice your clothes are fitting better then you're making progress and as people have said 5lbs a month is more than a pound a week. My mates and I have lost a load of weight in the last six months all of us massively upping out exercise (cycling is great, that's what keeps me going) as well as dieting and we've all hit periods when we just haven't lost what we expected to, it never lasts.

    As a cyclist one piece of advice I'd give you is to bear in mind that the more weight you loose the less calories you'll burn on a given ride. Where I was burning 600 calories riding 8-9 miles to work I'm now riding 12 miles each day and burning only about 500 calories. This isn't bad news, it's good because while you have to go further and faster to burn calories it means you're getting fitter and lighter which is what the whole journey is about (and you'll enjoy the riding more too).
  • RobinvdM
    RobinvdM Posts: 634 Member
    If you open your diary, I'll take a look.

    Two things that have helped me:

    1. Give up all sugar and simple carbs (like pasta and white bread). These things have a big impact on blood sugar - which affects energy levels and cravings.

    2. Instead of 3 big meals a day, eat 5-6 mini meals. So if you're eating 1,500 calories a day, eat 5 meals of 300 calories each instead of 3 meals of 500 calories. This also helps stabilize your blood sugar and give you more consistent energy throughout the day.

    Also... If you're lost almost 5 pounds in a month without serious exercise, I'd say you're doing pretty well. Keep it up!
    Hey I like this idea...I have been keeping my diary and calorie intake pretty much level with a cheat now and again...have been losing pretty steady until this last week or so and up and down 1-2 pounds...driving me crazy...I am going to try to eat 4 or 5 mini meals and see how much success I have with that...thanks for that advice!!!

    5-6 mini meals will keep your body fed and therefore not needing to get energy from your fat. It takes it from your food, leaving no chance for you fat stores to be used up for energy

    False. I eat 5 meals a day (disregard last 3 days, haven't been well) and am currently coasting along on weight loss.

    ETA: as long as you are eating at a deficit your body will have to use up its stores. Its just how it works, frequency doesn't alter that part.
  • ames105
    ames105 Posts: 288 Member
    Don't give up. Everyone's body is different. I found that it took me nearly 12 weeks to get off the first ten pounds but the second ten came off in four weeks. You've made some great changes and now your body has to catch up and start processing the quality food and exercise. It isn't quite as simple as calories in and burning them off. There is some amazing chemistry that goes on in the body in the course of digestion and metabolism and it takes a bit longer for some of us.

    Don't be discouraged, you are losing inches, improving nutrition and improving your cardio health from the exercise and that is important too, more important than the number on the scale. Good luck to you in your journey!!
  • Sincere24
    Sincere24 Posts: 126 Member
    From what I understand the body might hit a few plateaus after a 10% loss of body weight. So maybe your body is just re-calibrating itself before letting go once again and hence the stall. This is just my theory lol.

    I would take everyone's suggestions in consideration and just take it one day at a time. Kudos for loosing 53lbs thus far!
  • I've been at this for a while - some weeks better than others. I have only lost 6 lbs in scale weight, but through body fat testing I know I have converted approximately 22.5 lbs of body mass from fat to muscle. That made me feel much better about the work I have been putting in!
  • MsDaraElaina
    MsDaraElaina Posts: 25 Member
    Please just keep going and don't let not losing get to you. You are changing your life a little at a time and really your exercise is helping your health overall... I'm not losing a drastic amount weight either but I know that all of the changes I've been making and the effort will not be in vain as long I stick with it. Once you get it in your mind your losing this fight, you've lost. As long as you keep a positive outlook and act consistently increasing your drive and physical activity every week you'll win this battle. I have faith that you can do this ; )
  • I could have written this post... I cycle 7 miles 4 days a week and do circuit training 3 days a week I count calories 1600 a day. my clothes are fitting better but The pounds just arent falling off. I started to keep track of my measurements and low and behold I had lost 3 inches from my hips and 2 from my chest. This encouraged me to keep going and not give up because trust me I was ready to quit. last week I lost 2.5 pounds It's not a lot but I'll take it :-) good luck to you
  • paxbfl
    paxbfl Posts: 391 Member
    5-6 mini meals will keep your body fed and therefore not needing to get energy from your fat. It takes it from your food, leaving no chance for you fat stores to be used up for energy

    Where did you ever hear this? Many diet and nutrition plans recommend the "mini-meals" because of the effect of large meals on blood sugar and insulin levels. Read the link below for more details. I've found the "Getting Hungrier" section to be particularly true:
    as long as you are eating at a deficit your body will have to use up its stores. Its just how it works, frequency doesn't alter that part.

    Exactly right. For me, eating mini-meals helps me avoid cravings so I can stay under my goal and at a deficit.
  • thrld
    thrld Posts: 610 Member
    YOU MUST DO TWO THINGS (if you have not already done them):

    1. Take measurements.
    2. Take pictures.

    Because scales are liars. And also, your mirror too.

    And the not losing thing? That is just a trick to get you to give up. Don't do it. Stay the course, give it time and compare your measurements / pictures every 2-3 weeks.
  • Cara75
    Cara75 Posts: 52 Member
    I understand your frustration! I have 50 - 60lbs easy to lose, I workout heavy, watch what i eat, log carefully, and i have lost ONE LB IN 6 WEEKS!! Somedays i simply ask myself why am i doing all this!? BUT, i feel better. I am stronger and my endurance is 100x better, Now if only my clothes would notice what ive been doing =( haa hahah

    But, keep at it! This is a life change, it will come off... it has to, right!? lol
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    Maybe you shouldn't cyle your calories and stick to staying under for awhile