New to Boards

Hi All. I am on my way to loosing weight for the 2nd time, The first time I lost 50lbs. Here I am 2 years later and I'm put 30 back on. Looking for some support by joing theese boards. I don't have a lot of real life support. I plan on getting back to a comfortable weight and staying there this time.


  • abbyrae1
    abbyrae1 Posts: 265 Member
    feel free to add me!

    If you did it once, you can do it again!
  • Kauaiartist
    Kauaiartist Posts: 86 Member
    Happy to be a friend - yes, you can do it again - I've done it more than once - this site is a great tool and it's working! Feel free to add me!:flowerforyou:
    Lynn Taylor
  • bduncan1112
    Im Brittany and I am new to myfitnesspal. I've been overweight since high school losing a little weight here and there but never anything significant and now I am very heavy and very ashamed that I let it get this far. Anyways my husband and I are looking to start a family again and already losing two children I would like to lose weight to be healthy so I rule that out of my head as being a factor. I joined to have more support for losing weight. My husband says he loves me for me and that I don't need to lose weight but in my head I know that I do.