Personal Trainer's Only Please



  • joel3736
    joel3736 Posts: 55 Member
    I am a personal trainer and can understand where you are coming from if you are inferring that he is talking to clients and other gym members for full conversations and such and you are basically resting for 5-10 mins between sets, but if it is a simple hi or hello or how are you? That shouldn't affect the workout at all. Just do a few sessions with him and if it becomes a real problem, then talk to him about it because distractions are not professional. But to what another person said, yes you get more privacy and personal 1 on 1 time at a private studio as opposed to a commercial gym, plus the trainers tend to be better and more knowledgeable overall.
  • junejadesky
    junejadesky Posts: 524 Member
    Think of it on the flip side... wouldn't you say hello to him if you were at the gym on your own and not there for a session?? Of course you would!! If it is regularly more than a hello from others and he has side conversations then address it with him. You are a paying client.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I am a personal trainer. Working in a gym you obviously get to know the regulars who work out there. That said, there's a big difference between the occasional "hi's, hello's, how are you's" to others and him totally diverting his attention away from you. Sounds like this was just a consultation? Have you even had an actual session with him? If not, see how focused he is during that session. It's all about YOU at that time, and his attention should be focused on watching your form, explaining exercises, motivating, and answering any questions you may have. I personally think it's a little early (and perhaps harsh?) to jump all over the guy if you haven't even trained with him yet.

    Agreed. And yeah it was just a consult and he clearly hadn't been there in awhile and was missed. I was just fresh off another awesome session with another really good trainer so that's the juxtaposition of total attention versus consult/cruising with me thru the gym to find a spot to talk one on one, which he did which I appreciated as a client esp. vis a vis the free consult. I appreciate all your comments and yeah sometimes I can teeter on rude but prefer not to and felt awkward bringing it up, everything will go well I'm sure. Oh and yeah, he is allowed to get a drink of water and say "hi" to people, geesh I really should have edited this post for b!tchiness but I needed the info. soon. Thanks to all for all your input and precious trainer time.
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    Agreed. And yeah it was just a consult and he clearly hadn't been there in awhile and was missed. I was just fresh off another awesome session with another really good trainer so that's the juxtaposition of total attention versus consult/cruising with me thru the gym to find a spot to talk one on one, which he did which I appreciated as a client esp. vis a vis the free consult. I appreciate all your comments and yeah sometimes I can teeter on rude but prefer not to and felt awkward bringing it up, everything will go well I'm sure. Oh and yeah, he is allowed to get a drink of water and say "hi" to people, geesh I really should have edited this post for b!tchiness but I needed the info. soon. Thanks to all for all your input and precious trainer time.

    No need to apologize. :) I hope your session/s go well and you reach your fitness goals.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I worked in a busy gym with clients and the social aspect of it is always there. There were periodic stops, but I always made sure to let them know I was with a client and would follow up later. Ironically, I had more clients want to stop and talk with people or answer their damn cell phones that I ever got interrupted. But understand, for the clientele I worked for, one missed call could mean serious business issues, so that was understood. Just like you should understand a trainer is running a business at the gym and might need to converse, ever-so-briefly, with others.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    Being a popular trainer in my Wellness Center, I get greeted all the time. If I working with a client at the time and someone shoots me a hi, I say hi real quick or a quick wave.
    As mentioned, I've had clients resting or getting a drink of water at the fountain and if someone has a quick question I answer it. Each trainer is different with different philosophies so what one may do, another may not. I do earn money from doing it, but money isn't my motivation for doing it. I actually get more out of the gratitude from people whom I have assisted in reaching their goals and objectives. If I help enough people get what they want, then the money will take care of itself.
    Here's the thing: If you end up getting the results you want with this trainer, then would it really matter much if that trainer acknowledged people who acknowledge him? If you're not getting the results you want, then you may have a concern.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • MagicalLeopleurodon
    See how your first session goes. If he starts getting chatty, politely say, "I would appreciate more of your focus during my sessions, could you please hang off on the conversations with friends until after my session?"

    If hes even remotely professional, that should be all it takes.