What is YOUR type,, anyway ?????

crawford4398 Posts: 441 Member
Tell us what you DO like in a Guy or Gal, Whats important, whats not ?


  • SVCat
    SVCat Posts: 1,483 Member
    A big butt...but she can't be smiling or I can't trust her.
  • caspergirl7
    caspergirl7 Posts: 590 Member
    A big butt...but she can't be smiling or I can't trust her.

    Haha!!! Now that song is in my head :P
  • milf_n_cookies
    milf_n_cookies Posts: 2,244 Member
    a dominant man will always turn my head, witty, funny, intelligent and affectionate.
  • milf_n_cookies
    milf_n_cookies Posts: 2,244 Member
    A big butt...but she can't be smiling or I can't trust her.

    I wasn't smiling in that other picture, just sayin.........:wink:
  • jbutterflye
    jbutterflye Posts: 1,914 Member
    funny, intelligent, sexual, good to me
  • Mrs_Bones
    Mrs_Bones Posts: 195 Member
    True story, I find myself attracted to tall skinny guys with great hair and broad shoulders. It's a thing. Personality-wise, gotta be clever enough to keep up with me with a good sense of humour.
  • Nerdy
    Dirty minded
    Artsy (at least a little bit)
  • susheetush
    susheetush Posts: 621 Member
    Smart, geeky and tactile. Those attributes are usually mutually exclusive in my experience!
  • Myndi73
    Myndi73 Posts: 270
    A big butt...but she can't be smiling or I can't trust her.

    Has big butt and rarely smiles.
  • NormInv
    NormInv Posts: 3,303 Member
    For a relationship, intelligence. Must be able to appreciate humor. Physically, I love a nice pretty face and legs.
  • dat *kitten*
  • hph442
    hph442 Posts: 319 Member
    One with a pulse will suffice
  • AuddAlise
    AuddAlise Posts: 723 Member
    Guys - Tall, dark, funny, honest

    Girls - short, dark hair, light eyes, funny and spirited

    ETA - Hopefully geeky/nerdy because I'm a geek too!
  • ArmandoG28
    ArmandoG28 Posts: 283 Member
    tall girls 5'9 6'3 ooof !! :flowerforyou:
  • SVCat
    SVCat Posts: 1,483 Member
    dat *kitten*

    Dude your first post and you wrote "Dat *kitten*" Haha...don't ever post again...it's all down hill from here on out.
  • NormInv
    NormInv Posts: 3,303 Member
    As Dana Carvey would say, that man of your dreams has a boyfriend, honey.
  • jimmyalice1984
    jimmyalice1984 Posts: 171 Member
    A big butt...but she can't be smiling or I can't trust her.

    I think you're right, I have a big butt and smile a lot and you couldn't trust me as far as you could throw me.....
  • MoJokes
    MoJokes Posts: 691
    A girl who is grounded and loves the immaterial stuff in life. Kindness is beautiful to me.

    Lookswise I prefer natural looks, i think some of the things women do to themselves ages them and makes them look worst than what they would without modification.

    My two cents
  • chunkydunk714
    chunkydunk714 Posts: 784 Member
    On the inside:
    Funny (this is huge)
    not an attention w h o r e ….
    will carry the groceries for me when he see’s me struggling
    will want to help me do my laundry even though none of its his and not complain about it the entire time
    will tell me im beautiful occasionally just because
    has no problem looking into my eyes and not saying a single word
    doesn’t mind cooking and who will want to cook for me because he knows im tired from a long days work
    someone who will want to work out with me and enjoy the outdoors as much as I do….
    Someone who will love my kids almost as much as me
    Definitely a man who I can talk to because I want to and not because I feel I have to
    and most of all, someone who gets me and who wants to get me and who knows not everything is about him, and that I have emotions just as much as he does and that life isn’t perfect and neither are relationships. Love is hard work and he has to understand that.

    On the outside:
    Tattoos, tall, light skin, and bright smile.

    That’s is all…
  • Terasome
    Terasome Posts: 3,808 Member
    personality is a big thing for me
    different things appeal to me in each gentleman I know.

    looks do come into it but not as important as other features.

    Must be creative, enjoy trying new things, intellectual ( be able to hold a decent conversation) witty,

    Screw the knight in shining armor, I will take a guy with tattoos and a passion for, oh I don't know... ME?