Succeeding only to fail.



  • samanthachen
    samanthachen Posts: 360 Member
    You have not failed! The only failure would be to give up and walk away, and even then you could change that "failure" into "setback". Look how far you have come. 13 lbs is a glorious achievement. I read something that said: you can quit today, but how will you feel about it in 3 months when you could have been 10-15lbs lighter, still?

    You will get back up, even if it takes a bit. Do this the right way which means not making this a fad diet. We are all here to cheer you on. You've got this! They call it a journey because it WILL be filled with challenges, temptations, and lengthy stretches. Take your time. Enjoy the trails along the way, but always come back to the main road. It is not a failure to have a bad day, a bad week, or a bad month. You are rocking the crud out of this site; 13 lbs lost is amazing!

    You can do this!!!

    I look forward to reading your success post in the future!