Primal Blueprint



  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    So, how's the diet going?
  • JessicaFB
    JessicaFB Posts: 126 Member
    I'm approching the 2nd week of my new primal eating lifestyle. My energy levels have been good and I am excited about trying it out for a big event....I have a marathon on Sunday. I plan to use dried fruit, salted nuts and honey stingers gels to keep me energized. I met with an ultra runner yesterday who eats Paleo. She gave me a lot of useful tips and I am eager to try them. This is totally doable!
  • rogers8702
    rogers8702 Posts: 533 Member
    i have not had a grain in 5 days, and i feel great. i bought the book last saturday and finished it monday night. in 5 days i have dropped the 4 pounds that have been haunting me for the last 6 months up and down up and down. my energy and spirits are great and i am never hungry. i actually did not eat today until 2pm, my last meal was 7pm last night.

    i like not being pressured into eating every 2-3 hours. i am still counting calories because it does say you should stay within a limit if you are trying to lose i eat about 1400 a day which is what i have done for a while. but my carbs intake is between 80-100.

    im happy and will continue to keep a 80/20 diet. i have some sugar in my coffee and i have organic half and half, dont think i can give up my half and half. nope nope nope! but its ok, mark has sugar and cream in his coffee daily.

    I think this thread should keep going for inspiration to us all.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Anyone read this book or incorporating this eating theory into their diet?

    I'm reading the book now, that I bought for my husband, and seems to make a whole bunch of sense!! It's funny how conditioned we are to think by eating all low or no carb/low fat diets will get us healthy, strong and fit. This man is a machine and doesn't workout as crazy as I do sometimes.

    Just curious if anyone has read much on it. Seems similar to Rosedale Diet and I enjoyed that read.

    Yes, this is the low carb plan that I follow now instead of Atkins.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Did you see on Mark's Daily Apple that a Primal Blueprint Cookbook is coming out in a few weeks? I can't wait!!

    Yes, I have already pre-ordered my book!!!

    I got bashed last year for stating his theories in regards to losing weight and being healthier from others on this website.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    There are similarities to Loren Cordain's paleo approach, but MDA advocates for fattier cuts of meat and more dietary fat in general.


    have you tried either program?

    I've been dabbling with the Primal Blueprint for some time. I was introduced to Mark's site in the latter part of 2009. I had initial success (lost 10 pounds, felt fantastic), fell off the wagon so to speak in the beginning of the year, gained that weight back, and now that I'm back in the swing of things I'm feeling much better. I still have cheats here and there (like my dinner tonight) but they're growing less and less. It's rough at first when you reduce carbohydrates, but it gets easier. I find the best thing the PB advocates is eating natural, whole foods. Not low carb Frankenfood. Just good, tasty stuff that keeps you full.

    The PB do I say it...a taboo topic around MFP. People 'round these parts find the grain avoidance and fearlessness of fats to be a little nuts. I used to post here a while back and got so disgusted I deleted my account. Stupid thing to do - I had no idea logging food kept me so honest and actually assisted my progress.

    It's honestly refreshing to see some others looking into Mark's site and the PB. It may inject a little hope into the MFP forums ;)

    I know exactly how you feel. I still get bashed for stating my own thoughts and theories and how I am eating so unhealthy..........

    The funny thing is, I have more energy, no more aches and pains in my joints, lose weight effortlessly, cholesterol and triglycerides went way down and I eat lots and lots of saturated fat (which is natural occurring).

    My doctors agree with the way I eat and that is all that matters to me!!
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Had to share this AWESOME recipe that I made tonight for our dinner guests:

    They LOVED it. Didn't know it was Primal, until I told them later. I will forewarn, the bananas really keep it moist, so 2.5 ripe bananas might be plenty!!!

    Enjoy. I will report as I try more. Like Jessica, I've tried the energy bars and pumpkin brownies. So far loving it all..including the restored energy and lack of bloat.

    LOL.............I just have to say this. What??? You are actually having more energy without eating a lot of grain carbs??? That is so not true!! LOL LOL LOL.............those are the types of comments that I got continuously last year.
  • taryn_perry
    taryn_perry Posts: 193 Member
    i have not had a grain in 5 days, and i feel great. i bought the book last saturday and finished it monday night. in 5 days i have dropped the 4 pounds that have been haunting me for the last 6 months up and down up and down. my energy and spirits are great and i am never hungry. i actually did not eat today until 2pm, my last meal was 7pm last night.

    i like not being pressured into eating every 2-3 hours. i am still counting calories because it does say you should stay within a limit if you are trying to lose i eat about 1400 a day which is what i have done for a while. but my carbs intake is between 80-100.

    im happy and will continue to keep a 80/20 diet. i have some sugar in my coffee and i have organic half and half, dont think i can give up my half and half. nope nope nope! but its ok, mark has sugar and cream in his coffee daily.

    I think this thread should keep going for inspiration to us all.

    Great job!! Isn't it amazing how dropping grains makes the ol' body feel?? I have to admit, I'm still a 2-3 hour eater, but it's not as much as I used to be. I have a pretty active workout schedule, since I'm a group instructor.

    I haven't given up my 1/2 & 1/2 either...won't do the full cream as Mark suggests, so figured my 1/2 & 1/2 isn't much harm. I use Stevia to sweeten my coffee, so don't have the sugar, which I figure is a decent balance! LOL.

    Glad we have such a great support in all of us here. keep posting recipes and sharing thoughts. Oh, and yes, I still get flack from friends about my eating habits. Oh well, they are just jealous and insecure.

    Keep charging everyone!
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Is anyone practicing Intuitive eating or Intermittent Fasting?
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    I wanted to ask................Doesn't it feel good to know that Fat is really your friend?

    It helps to flavor your food, keep you full and ultimately aids your body in burning body fat!!!
  • christinagriffith
    christinagriffith Posts: 32 Member
    I bought some coconut oil and read that it can be used as a sub for cream or 1/2 & 1/2... gonna try it tomorrow in my coffee and will update. My hubs thinks I'm crazy for cutting the grains but what people don't understand is that if you don't feel restricted you aren't!
  • txcwgirl
    txcwgirl Posts: 127 Member
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    I bought some coconut oil and read that it can be used as a sub for cream or 1/2 & 1/2... gonna try it tomorrow in my coffee and will update. My hubs thinks I'm crazy for cutting the grains but what people don't understand is that if you don't feel restricted you aren't!

    You can use coconut oil for a LOT!!!

    I use it to moisturize my face with it, cook eggs, steaks, veggies in it. Melt it in my coffee.................
  • christinagriffith
    christinagriffith Posts: 32 Member
    Did not like it in the coffee... too greasy!
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    I like the oil slick. LOL
  • jurgitafit
    jurgitafit Posts: 112
    I've read a lot about this eating lifestyle, and I think to most people, it would be a great experience to start eliminating the bad carbs, especially those coming from flour and white sugars. I naturally eat lots of fresh veggies and fruit with some protein, so the primal eating makes sense to me in most cases.

    The only thing I don't like about this eating style is the extremity. When we are asked to remove certain foods for good from out menus, we get scared. :smile: Sooner or later people give up when the cravings for carbs come, and they don't see it as a life-long thing; it remains as just another diet then.

    So, I'd say if most people would commit to primal eating plan 80% of the time, everyone would be healthy and bouncing with joy! Right? :happy:
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    I've read a lot about this eating lifestyle, and I think to most people, it would be a great experience to start eliminating the bad carbs, especially those coming from flour and white sugars. I naturally eat lots of fresh veggies and fruit with some protein, so the primal eating makes sense to me in most cases.

    The only thing I don't like about this eating style is the extremity. When we are asked to remove certain foods for good from out menus, we get scared. :smile: Sooner or later people give up when the cravings for carbs come, and they don't see it as a life-long thing; it remains as just another diet then.

    So, I'd say if most people would commit to primal eating plan 80% of the time, everyone would be healthy and bouncing with joy! Right? :happy:

    The longer you go with eating this way, the less you have cravings for starchy and sugary types of carbs and eventually the desire for those types of foods goes away completely. Your taste buds change to wehre if you were to eat a piece of cake, it would taste sickening sweet.

    It is just most people don't want to give up their junk food that is not good for them anyway. That is where the whole mentatilty of "everything in moderation" comes into play.............the more you eat a particular food, the more likely you are to binge on it at some point in time.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Other than the fact that I am feeling bloated this morning due to PMS and TOM getting ready to come, I feel fantastic!!! I have my energy back and feeling great.

    yesterday I ate very light. Had 2 apples with almond butter (breakfast and lunch), lots of water and for supper last night I had a taco salad, I did have a tablespoon of sour cream on it.

    Slept very well and have lots of energy this morning!!!

    Grok on!!!!

    Today I am having apple with almond butter for breakfast, taco salad for lunch, big ribeye steak for supper with green salad and roated/grilled asparagus. Yummo!!!!
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    This is all very interesting to me. I have been sugar free for 5 years and I work hard at only consuming whole grains. I love my daily dairy fix, not a lot, but I do love cheese. I think this would be harder with my lifestyle. I tried Atkins for almost 20 weeks. I lost weight in the first 8 but not a pound after that. When I stopped and went back to moderate eating (still not sugar and limited processed stuff) I gained back every pound plus. I am curious, because not everyone has a ticker, how are you doing with weightloss on this diet? Lioness, How long have you been eating this way and what have been your results? Do you have a lot of weight to lose? I am in my final 10.
