Hello all~!

I'm brand new to the forums, and I have to say, you all are so amazing! Every day I learn something new in the community, which is awesome as this is my first time attempting to lose weight ever.

Anywho, I decided to change things up from my usual cardio and work out with my Everybody Dance game on the PS3. Well, here's the thing: I started playing at 5:40 p.m. and stopped playing at 6:40 p.m. which is an hour of dancing. The only time I stopped was to change between song levels. Now the game DOES have a calorie counter, and the counter says that I've burned 162 calories in the amount of time that I played. I feel like that isn't very accurate, seeing as how I had my heart rate up for nearly an hour. I know that these types of dance games are pretty low impact, but I find it hard to believe that after basically an hour of dancing, I only burn 162 calories. The other thing to mention is that the counter only adds when the Playstation Move controller is moved, meaning that it logs for only the movement of my right hand (I think) and not my body..

What do you guys think? Is Everybody Dance right in telling me that I only burned 162 calories? I know that if I log the actual amount of time I spent on the game, I'll get much more than 162 calories. So which is correct?


  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    If you enjoy dancing, then do it! Personally, I hate dancing. But each of us should enjoy what we do.

    MFP actually has dancing listed under cardio. plug in your time and log it.
  • jhericcajohnson
    jhericcajohnson Posts: 8 Member
    Well I plugged it in as an hour of dancing and that is a pretty large discrepancy between the game's calorie logger and MFP. Hmmmmm.