RUNNERS - Run alone or with a group?



  • BlessedandBeautifulBrown
    I am 50/50 Wtih a group black girls run ( and no you don't just have to be black to join lol) and alone when i can't meet up with the Diva's
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I'm mostly a lone wolf runner. I don't wear headphones or any of that, I just go and let my mind and feet wander. However, if I'm getting ready for a race, I'll do some practice runs with a buddy of mine. I had to laugh at one of the PP's comments about not being able to talk. When I go with my buddy, she can talk almost the whole time but if I try to tell a story, I get winded and start getting a side stitch.
  • fittertanme
    fittertanme Posts: 259 Member
    I run alone but did join or started a club but my hours at work made it hard at times and I told them that after christmas I wouldbe back as I could work around them but as I was going to join back with them I was told that the running group on days would be or ladys only but was free to join the nighttime runners so no thank you I will go it on my owm and if I need advise then I have a great group of friends on here to ask
  • Ibarra951
    Ibarra951 Posts: 19 Member
    Depends on your style of training. Are you comfortable with running with people? (are you self conscious of your pace, form, etc?) if not I find that running with people can do two things for people.

    One, it can motivate you to keep pace with somebody. If you can find a running partner that can motivate you, or one of similar fitness level, it can really amp up the workout!

    Two, it can challenge you if your a competetive individual. If you like one upping your friend (AND if they don't mind OR are the same way) than you can use this competitive attitude to push you to the limit.

    Otherwise, running alone is nice because you can jam out to your tunes if your listening to music, focus on PR's (running faster mile times) and generally make like a honey badger and not care about anyone else but you and your run (while remaining safe and observant to traffic/hazards).

    The cons of running in a group is if your not a naturally competetive type, and it is generally sometimes hard to meet up with other people unless planned out in advance.

    EDITED ADDITION: When I used to run with people, I always tried to run faster than certain people (as sad as that is). I used this as a measurement of my progress. If people are catching up to me, I try to speed up! All while using Nike+ GPS to pace and motivate myself. But I generally like running by myself because I can listen to my body and if I need to stop, slow down or I get a cramp, I know i'm not holding anyone up.
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    I like my alone time on long runs, though for speed work, I find a group setting makes me run faster.
  • brittamh
    brittamh Posts: 137 Member
    I run alone because I am very insecure. It took me years before I could even take my running outside where people could see. I signed up for a couple races coming up. I guess that means it is time to push those insecurities aside. But I love running alone. It is like my free therapy!
  • clspwagner
    clspwagner Posts: 12 Member
    I run alone and enjoy the time to myself but after a long run I enjoy drinking and talking to other runners
  • moustache_flavored_lube
    Almost always alone!! I like it that way.
    I cycle and hike with others
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    I run alone, generally. I go when it is convenient for me. My wife almost always runs with others, five times a week. She has a group of women. Sometimes, it is two or three of them. Sometimes, it is as many as five or six.
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    Loner here. I have tried to run with my hubby and my now 14 year old son. Neither of them are at my level so it ends up being somewhat tedious for me until we swing back by the house and I "drop them off" and keep on running some more. I've occasionally run with others and it's fine for the once in a great while occasion that it is. But, as a rule, I'm a loner.
  • kjsmiller
    It is blissful to get away and run alone with my thoughts and loud music....but I've also learned that it feels just as good to help pace someone who doesn't quite believe in themselves.
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    Alone, but not really by choice. I'd love to find a running partner, if for nothign other than motivation and competition.
  • hdlb
    hdlb Posts: 333 Member
    Alone. Its my "me" time. I have no desier to run, or workout (unless its with my trainer) with anyone at all.