New workout?!

Hi guys! So, I've been on a weight loss diet for a year now. When I first started out, I did straight cardio. Jogged for 30 mins then increased to 40 mins per day 5x a week. Lost about 30 pounds within the year. I'm 5 feet 2 inches, female, and currently around 123-128lbs. (Not sure what my body fat% is, need to get that checked.) I still do cardio and added a FEW strength training exercises. I'm getting tired of doing cardio everyday. My question is are there any other ways to lose fat without doing so much cardio? And if so, what's a good way to burn calories and fat?


  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    Cardio is superior for burning fat. However, you might benefit from increasing your strength training. I'm not sure what cardio you're currently performing, but look into high intensity interval training and, if you're not already a runner, check out Couch to 5k.