Yoga helps to remove your stress...

An excellent way to put your body through disciplined series of preliminary stretches

1. Stand cocked with aback extended, legs beeline and accoutrements together.

2. Inhale, and accession and extend your accoutrements over your arch and angle hardly backward.

3. Exhale and ability your accoutrements and fingers up and forward. Angle advanced from the achievement and abode your easily collapsed on the ground, or as abutting as your can.

4. Inhale and abode your appropriate leg abaft you, authoritative a appropriate angle with your larboard leg. Sink into your appropriate hip and attending up.

5. Accompany your larboard leg to accompany your appropriate leg so that you are on "all fours"with your knees abaft your ips.

6. Exhale and lower your chest and forehead to the arena so that you are lying collapsed on the ground.

7. Inhale and amplitude advanced and up, adopting the foreground of your physique up off the floor.

8. Exhale and lower your chest. Push up and aback with your accoutrements and accession your achievement to anatomy an astern "V".

9. Inhale and angle your appropriate leg, and lower your larboard leg to the ground, as in footfall 4 above.

10. Exhale and accompany your larboard leg up as in footfall 3.

11. Inhale and about-face the move into position 2.

12. Exhale, acknowledgment to an cocked "prayer" position, and address the sun.

The "Yoga Fitness" site has a further description of the "Salute to the Sun" at [] including a brief video.


  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Boxing helps me remove stress. I get to hit things. It is very relaxing.

    The modern yoga is great and all but many people have a very wrong impression of what yoga really is. Yoga isn't about working out. It is not even about meditating. Yoga, from the very start till now, is about making money. It is sort of art if you wanna put it. An entertainment.

    Hindu yogis who would go on for long journeys used to live on the road and used to eat near to nothing. They had very very low body weight and looong sessions of meditation. When they were not praying, they were travelling. Traveling has expenses, even for people who lived minimally and don't eat much. So their egos asked them to not beg but work for it and thats when they used to do "tricks" with their bodies. Like laying flat on a needle bed etc.

    I know this has little to do with the OP but I wanted to take this opportunity to educate a little about what exactly yoga is, about money and entertainment. Not meditating (hence reducing stress) or workout