Weight Loss

I am Michael Hunter. I'm 50 years old, married, and very obese. 6' 1" 335 lbs. I am a vet. I served in the Army for 3 years. My obesity has made arthritis in my joints, I have blood sugar problems and its hard for me to exercise. I have a lot of pain in my left knee down to my surgically repaired left foot. Doctors visits pending. My wife and I have been married for 10 years now, and I want us to be together for a lot longer. My weight loss goals are 10 lbs. a week, and to reach 300 lbs this summer. Thanks, Mike:glasses:


  • im currently in the military. going on my 6th yr. add me if you like bud. we can help each other.
  • I've found that really watching what I eat and how much i eat and trying to eat more raw fruits and veggies over processed foods has really helped. I also cut out sodas, and juice, i dont get much excersice since i have a knee injury that really prevents it. but I've lost 13lbs in about 3 weeks. So it's definitely helped