Hot Yoga Calorie Conundrum!

I take hot yoga 3 - 4 times a week, and I never know how to log it.

I do two kinds of classes.

A Hot Vinyasa classes which really gets the heartrate up; lots of sun salutations etc---very much about movement.

A Hot Core Power class, which is more static and more about Strength training---lots of using your own body as resistance, incorporating tons of plank/pilates moves. (If I miss this class even a couple of times for work travel or whatnot, I am SO SORE when I start going back)

I always give myself 250 for hot core power and 350 for A flow class, but I DO feel that's low.

The internet says everything from "You are barely burning anything, yoga is dumb!" to "Yoga is godly-awesome and you are burning 10,000 calories just THINKING about doing yoga." Okay that's an exagerarion but I have seen every estimate from 150 to 1200 calories foir a 75 minute class.

How would you log it?