New to MFP, not to weight loss and dieting

Hi! I have been trying to lose weight my whole life. Last year I lost 50 lbs and I felt great! I hadn't looked that good since high school! I don't know where I went wrong but somehow I got stuck on old eating habits and eventually quit exercising. I think when the weight loss started to taper off I became discouraged and then gained, which made me more discouraged, and so on and so farth. I have gained almost all the weight back that I originally lost. I never realized how uncomfortable I was with my bidy until I had lost a good portion of it and it came back. I don't really care how much weight I lose this time, I care if I am comfrotable, if my clothes fit, and if I can walk up a flight of stairs and not feel winded.

I would love help and support on this site. Thanks!


  • AJ150magic
    You are not alone. Don't lose hope. Recognizing that you have fallen off the wagon and trying again is a great start!! You can do it again! 50lb loss is fantastic. I am starting a 6 week program because I'm in a similar situation like you. Join me if you like!
  • jackie5136
    That would be great! What kind of 6 week program?
  • AJ150magic
    Jackie - I am going to do the Slim In Six DVDs from Debbie Siebers and watch my calories closely to about 1400 a day. I have had success with the SI6 program in the past. My goal is to lose 7-10 lbs in six weeks. You can set your own goal and decide on an exercise program that works for you. We can do it together and hold each other accountable. I am fairly new to MFP as well but we can figure it out! AJ