June Starters - April 12

Happy Monday June Starters...

Well it is supposed to be a beautiful here this week. I am looking forward to getting the kids out to be active and enjoy the fresh air. What are the rest of you looking forward to??


  • shannahrenee
    I'm looking forward to moving on Thursday. I'm so sick of dodging boxes in my room and I've really only been doing it for 2 days!
  • bjandlm
    bjandlm Posts: 75
    Hi there, I am looking forward to getting out and biking again with my wife, we have lots of nice trails up here, and
    we also have planned some nice bike trips in Northern Minnesota. It's nice to get an early spring this year, but the
    grass around here has not greened up yet. Have a great day! BJ:smile:
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Good morning June Starters. Just bumping in to keep track of the thread ... will report later this week :happy:
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    Good morning! I'm looking forward to starting to train for a 5k this Sept. :bigsmile: I'm pretty excited about it.

    Also, we're going to the zoo this Sat for their Earth day event and prob gonna pick up some bikes on Sun. I haven't had a bike in YEARS but I MISS it!. Exciting busy week this week!
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    I haven't really been using MFP like I used to so that's most likely a hindrance with the weight loss goal, so today I'm going to track my food like I used to and log my walking and pay attention like I used to. Wish me luck.

    So what's going on in everyone's life these days? Now that the sun is out, I'm walking again and I love it. Also, my daughter is getting married this summer and I got the mother of the bride dress last week ... what a relief that is not to think about it any more. Last week my dryer died and after giving the token amount of days for my sweet hubby to try and fix it ... we bought a new set. I'll see if I can download a picture of them ... they'll be delivered on the 24th. I guess I'm all grown up now because I'm actually excited about these new toys :laugh: Have a wonderful day my MFP friends.

  • amandadaisylotus
    I knew this week would be a bad weigh in. Last week I was simply famished all week! I think partly my body was trying to make up for the week before and partly because of my gain back I think my sugar is whacky again. My therapist thinks I should start taking metformin again to really get my sugar under control. She thinks the reason I didn't take it last time was because of my underlying emotional issues with my weight. That being heavy is a learned self defense mechanism for me which is why I keep sabotaging myself when I start to succeed. Its really frustrating that this seemed so easy last year. I lost nearly 40 pounds and then something in my subconcious clicked on. The weightloss stalled and then hit reverse.

    LW: 278
    TW: 283.6

    A 5.6 gain?! That's 17,500 calories in excess. No way.
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    Ohhh those are some nice appliances!! I am such a geek....I love to go to Lowe's and look at all the shiny new appliances. I got my washer/dryer off of Craig's list and it was cheap/in great shape. One day I will be able to afford nice ones :bigsmile:

    I am looking forward to.....right now! Had an exam this morning so I'm super glad that's over. I procrastinated big time but I think I was able to pull it out in the end. We were taking a Pharmacology exam on several classes of medications, including anti-seizure, and one of my classmates had a seizure! I've never seen one before, so it was really scary. He moaned really loud and was jerking in his chair. They took him away on the gurney and I'm sure he's fine. It was just ironic that we were taking an exam on it when he had his first seizure :noway:

    Anyway, tonight I'm going out with friend to have a few drinks and celebrate the exam being over. First, though, is a huge nap, then grocery/exercise. I need to jump back on the wagon in a bad way :(

    Now that it's warm, I can start exercising outside again and maybe lay out sometime this week (with sunscreen of course!)
  • yellowhouse
    I am looking forward to better health for me and my family. My daughter has had a terrible cough for 2 weeks now, I have had some mild cold symptoms or maybe allergies (hard to tell), and now my son has an eye issue (hopefully allergies and not an infection). I want this all to be over so things can get back to normal around here!
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    I hope everyone is doing well.
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    Good morning all!

    We're buying bikes. lol I never realized how EXPENSIVE it all is. You can't just buy a bike. You need the bike rack, the child seat, child helmet, lock, padded seat, saddle bag and god only knows what else we'll need. lol I'm excited to go biking though!!
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    THANK YOU!!!!, Momto... It was so easy to find the new post today!! I didn't have to search through all of the threads!!!

    Good Morning, my beautiful June Starter friends! I hope you ladies have a fabulous Tuesday!! I have found a new addiction... making hairbows! LOL... I made 8 yesterday! My little girl is thrilled that I added to her collection :smile: So much fun!!!

    How is everyone doing with their goals?
    I'm hoping to get started back on the C25K next week... I tried a little jogging and I got really scared that I was going to reinjur my ankle...it felt really weak... So, I'm giving it one more week :smile: I AM SOOOOO READY!!!!

    I also have the Race for the Cure next weekend (the 24th). I'm really excited about it! I got my race packet several days ago... I was just giddy :laugh:

    Ok, just in case you ladies forgot, YOU ROCK!!!! :bigsmile: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • yellowhouse
    slow and steady- down .25 this week

    sw 265
    lw 214.75
    tw 214.5
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    KJ- I'm starting the c25K today!! I'm so excited!
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    Good Job Yellowhouse! At least you are headed in the right direction,

    My son and I were doing the C25K but then I got really sick for a bit, and although I kept up regular workouts I gave up the 30 day Shred and C25K. When I did both the wheezing would get really bad. Its a poor excuse I guess since I wheezed my way through the elliptical but I didn't feel it was necessary to do all 3 when I felt crumby. Now I wish I could find the stamina to get back to at least 2 out of 3. My son is going away for 12 days so we are planning to start over again after he gets back.

    Good luck to those of you starting it up. I am looking to you for inspiration. No pressure of course.
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    double post
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    Shanna- Hope the move goes well. It will make living with boxes worth while when you are living someplace you are happy!

    Courtney- Glad to hear your exam went well. Enjoy some down time.

    Busymom- we are thinking of buying bikes too. Our kids have them of course, but we are thinking of getting a baby seat and a set for us, but I will only ride trails because I am a chicken so i only want it if my husband will put a bike rack on the van and he doesn't want to. Happy shopping!!

    KJ- Glad to hear your ankle is almost better. Don't push yourself, but maybe it is time to gradually ease back into more activity? You don't want to do it all at once. I am thrilled to see you are doing the race for the cure, enjoy! We do dragon boat races every year. I am hoping to sign up for the race for the cure myself ( I am hoping to run it).

    Maggs- I love my front loader. I get very excited by appliances so you are totally not on your own. Enjoy the sunshine.

    Amanda - that was to be expected after a week on applesauce. Don't let it get you down. If you think you need to talk to your doctor about the medication, but in the meantime try and remind yourself you are worth this struggle. This is an inner battle you are capable of winning. the thing about therapists it that they are there to help you come to conclusions about what and why you are feeling certain ways. It is absolutely up to you to fix this for yourself. You just have to be ready. I wish you the best and hope you stick with it and us.

    Did I miss anyone??
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    I posted this on another thread but I had to post it here cuz you girls "get" it!

    WHOOO I feel amazing! I went to the gym and watched BL while walking 1/4 a mile at 3.5 then running 1/4 at 5.5. I alternated for 1 hour and 40 minutes! I have no idea how far that is because I hopped off to go to the bathroom and didn't write my numbers down. It was about 963 calories worth though!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And it was EASY! I know I'm gonna feel it tomorrow but man I felt so good the whole time.
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    I posted this on another thread but I had to post it here cuz you girls "get" it!

    WHOOO I feel amazing! I went to the gym and watched BL while walking 1/4 a mile at 3.5 then running 1/4 at 5.5. I alternated for 1 hour and 40 minutes! I have no idea how far that is because I hopped off to go to the bathroom and didn't write my numbers down. It was about 963 calories worth though!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And it was EASY! I know I'm gonna feel it tomorrow but man I felt so good the whole time.

    Thats amazing!! Good for you.
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    Well I get to keep the ticker right where it is, but I am not sure I am ever getting it below 40...

    CW 147.4 (this number is starting to haunt me)

    GW 135

    I really thought I could get to my goal by our 1 year anniversary, it is starting to look like a very unrealistic goal now. I think I am going to lay out some mini goals for myself. I am going to aim for a half a pound a week. That means it will take me another 25 weeks to get to goal. :noway:
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    what is with the double posts?? Sorry