When people cheat on exercise - Rant!



  • NikkiSixGuns
    NikkiSixGuns Posts: 630 Member
    Hold your head up! Your results are earned, and that gets you way more respect in my book.
  • stephaniemejia1671
    stephaniemejia1671 Posts: 482 Member
    She's a whimp. And good for you! Inches lost is great!
  • gabiinacio
    gabiinacio Posts: 124 Member
    Thanks everyone, It makes me feel better for sure. I want to have a toned lean body, not just be "skinny". I want ab definition, and toned arms. I want to look amazing in a bikini. So I know her way of losing the weight, will for sure not have the same effect. Love this forum, it gives me the motivation I need to keep going. :-)
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    Her path is not your path - and conversly your path is not her path. You've chosen the "blood sweat and tears" way of losing weight, and she's chosen something that (I don't know how other people feel about taking shots at the dr.'s office for losing weight BUT) seems like an "easy way out" and I feel it's not going to be as long-lasting.

    You're working your booty off to get healthy, and it's a lot of work. Don't sell your efforts short! At some point this is going to catch up with her. My family wanted me to do lap-band surgery - I told htem that it wasn't going to work if I didn't deal with the demons that got me here - I was going to have to change the way I was doing things if I wanted to have success - that surgery was just a tool, I was still going to have to do the work. A hammer is just a tool to get a nail in the wall - but it won't work unless you swing it around and do something with it. Lap band wont work unless I eat right. SInce then I've lost 117 pounds - still no lap-band - just by changing my eating habits.

    You can do this and be proud of yourself for what you've accomplished. Don't let the cabbage soup, grapefruit, hormone shot people's bug you....before long they'll be knocking your door down to find out what you've been doing and how you've been doing it so they can do it to and get the long-lasting results and good looks!

    You're awesome, and don't let them get you down!!!