I'm plateauing way too soon!

I've lost 15 pounds since Jan 2nd - I understand, great accomplishment.

However, I still have approx 30 more to go. I'm eating right, I'm excersizing 5 days a week.

I don't understand how my body has decided to stop losing weight the past two weeks. it's like it's plateauing, but isn't it too early to start plateauing if I have 30 more pounds to go???

Please feel free to take a look at my food and excersize log.

Question - when you complete an entry it tells you that if you continued to eat like that, in 5 weeks, you'd be X amount. Does anyone know how accurate that is? If that's the case, I'll eat exactly what I ate for that day for 5 weeks. haha.


  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    2 weeks isn't really a plateau, 2+ months and I would start thinking about adjustments.. That being said, if you create too big of a deficit from your TDEE, you can and probably will plateau, it just is a matter of time til your body catches up.. How long is that.. I don't know ask your body.. I wouldn't make any changes yet as long as your eating correctly and some what healthy.

    And completely ignore what MFP tells you as projected weight loss..
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    It's not a plateau just yet as you haven't been stuck for long enough.

    Looking at your diary you are under eating far too often. You need to net your daily goal. Also, if you are serious about losing weight you need to be serious about tracking and your food choices. Far too often are you not logging a meal (or a day for Sunday). Switch out the slimfast for something more nutrious. What else have you not logged? LIttle bits add up.

    Are you properly tracking? Weighing foods? Using measuring cups/spoons for liquids? Never eyeball your portions as they are wrong. Always use a kitchen scale for foods. Always go by the weights listed for all foods instead of the cups as a serving size. I had a tortilla with breakfast for example.. package said 1 tortilla was a serving at 61g each. My tortilla was actually 70g.

    Get your protein up, your sodium down. Increase your water as well.

    Also, switch things up from time to time.. exercise, what you eat, etc.

    Don't go by the 5 week thing.. it's not accurate and even if you did eat the same each day for those five weeks and exercised the same you won't get that number.

    Have your weekly loss goal set at 1lb per week and eat your exercise cals back.