Frustrated!! Thighs!! GRRR

So, I'm actually doing fairly well losing weight. HOWEVER....I hate how we lose weight un-proportionately. My waist is getting super tiny, with the help of a tummy tuck about 8 months ago, all that extra skin from having babies was NOT flattering! But now that I'm losing weight it's getting even thinner, but my thighs are not budging. The sucky (is that a word?) thing about it is, I could probably fit in a size 10, since 12's are loose, but they won't fit my thighs. I've been doing squats whenever I can think about it, but I know we can't focus our weight lose on certain areas. I know I should be grateful for a flat stomach, but I think I'd almost rather have a little bit of pudge in my tummy if it meant leaner thighs.


  • littleblackcar
    I'm not sure if this is bad news (because you can't control it) or good (because it lets you off the hook): Some of us just have big thighs.

    I have legs like a draft horse. My thighs are two or three sizes bigger than my waist, if I were buying pants. Not kidding. My thighs are literally about three inches smaller, each, than my waist measurement. My weight is fine, I'm just pear-shaped. It's not fat, either--I mean, I have a little fat, but even if I lost all of it I'd have serious muscles there. It's genetics and there isn't a single thing I can do about it; I will simply never be as balanced a build as some people are.

    Sadly, I realized this too late to develop an interest in competitive bicycling, or I'd probably be qualifying for the Olympics right now. ;-)
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    I think you are lucky - lol - my tummy just won't respond! I would prefer big thighs...

    Truthfully though, it is all about your genetics. We really have no control - just keep working and your body will become what your genetics proscribe.
  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    Yeah, I feel ya. With me it's the calves.

    When I weighed 319 lbs I had calves almost as big as my thighs. So now, 180+ pounds later and my calves are much smaller but so are my thighs...and my calves are still almost as big as my thighs. I just measured and there's 1 1/2" difference. The good news is, they're solid, muscular big calves, not flabby big calves like they were.

    Our body shape is our body shape. I have broad hips & shoulders, no chest or butt and large calves. Can't fix it, so why fret about it.

    Work on muscular, firm thighs. As you lose weight everywhere, the fat will come off on your thighs as well but your body shape won't change.
  • Multifacet
    Multifacet Posts: 66 Member
    My legs and *kitten* are GONE!! because I walk 3 miles a day, ha! I only wish the tummy would go, but I have the menopause tire around my middle. Off to walk!!
  • skittles137
    skittles137 Posts: 40 Member
    Yeah. I have big thighs, even at my smallest they were still stocky....but, I do have quite a bit of weight to lose in that area, just wish it would come off there before any where else and yet my thighs are the last to go. Anyone know of any good pant brand to buy that accommodate us big thigh girls?! :)
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    For a workout you might want to try some of those tums, bums and thighs workout DVDs they have on the market. I think Jillian Michael's No More Trouble Zones is aimed at people who want to target specific areas.
    However, you can't really target a specific area when it comes to exercise but you can tone specific areas more than others (e.g. ab exercises toning the abs without working the rest of your muscles as hard) and obviously if you target specific muscle groups then you will continue to lose all over but it might help to focus a little closer on the areas you are concerned about.

    Also, you need to remember that everyone's body shape is different! I have a hourglass figure (which I know people say they would die for but trust me, when I was overweight it just made me look bigger and accentuated all the parts of my body I was conscious of) so I know I am never going to achieve a tiny body like other women have even if I work super hard, I am still going to have to squeeze my *kitten* into jeans in order to get ones that fit my legs and waist fine! Unfortunately, that's life.
    It could be that you naturally have bigger thighs and there is nothing at all wrong with that, it's just your body shape.

    For now, focus on the positives which are that you can see your body changing, your body IS changing, your stomach is shrinking (which is what most women posting on these boards are saying the complete opposite about!) and the rest of your body WILL follow at it's own pace.