Hungry days...ever have a day where you just don't feel full



  • Dwell4Design
    Dwell4Design Posts: 22 Member
    When I´m hungry, I pay serious attention. It is a signal, biological and/or psychological. Check list:

    1. Are you eating enough for your exercise level? Did you under-eat seriously for a day or too? Under-eating always leads to overeareating.
    2. are you eating the right kinds of foods: lean proteins, green vegetables, healthy oils or too many empty calories.
    3. Are you drinking water?
    4. If psychological, do you need a break for a meal or two? Do you have some cravings?

    I believe the above is true. Also, are you getting enough sleep? I found that if I don't have a restful sleep my body is craving energy, which I interpret as hunger. Also, I find that eating a small amount of lean protein (chicken, fish, almonds, etc.) every 4 hours helps significantly.
  • thirstyflea
    thirstyflea Posts: 114 Member
    Great topic, seems we all have those days!! I thankfully don't have them too often, but when I do, I either give in a little, find something else to do, go to bed, or have a protein shake.
  • hannah_ryann
    hannah_ryann Posts: 259 Member
    When I had my first "hollow day" (LOVE THAT!) I went to bed at 6:30 p.m. Yep, I slept for 11 hours that night. I didn't want to stay awake dealing with the hunger I was feeling. Today is a much better day for me but I had 3 hollow days in a row. I gave in Tuesday, the first day I ate to my TDEE since starting this lifestyle in early January. Yesterday was a little better and today I'm back to the "normal" I was used to. Just deal with it in the way that's physically and mentally most healthy for you. Do you need to ignore it? Some days. Do you need to eat lots of little healthy snacks and stay at your calorie goal? some days. Do you need to give in and eat above your calorie goal? Some days.

    But no matter what you do, this is a lifestyle transformation and while getting healthy, LIFE happens and you have to deal with i the best way you can. :)
  • JennDoesKeto
    JennDoesKeto Posts: 244 Member
    i always have found that when i have days like this and am craving something particular i give in just for a bit not over indulge but if i want it i have it. its my body telling me i need to have it and i respect my body. for me this is a lifestyle change so i know i will be doing this for a long time to come.

    i also drink alot of hot herbal tea and water throughout the day and keep sugar free gum on hand if i have problems
  • caribear1984
    I used to feel like this almost every day. Now I rarely have them. For me, it is the day of or day after I eat too much white starchy food (like pasta or bread) or sugary junk. Don't get me wrong, I'm not doing low-carb by any means, but those foods just don't make my body happy. I also completely agree with the lists above, very important to make sure it's not because you are lacking nutritionally.