New member (32 male)

Hi everyone,

I found this site purely by accident when I was looking for a calorie counter on my iPhone. I've been loosing weight since 2007 and so far have had nearly 7 stones off. I lost 5 stone between August 2007 and Jan 2009. During 2009 my weight stayed within a few Kgs between 95-100.

In January I decided that I needed to make the final push and get down to a BMI of normal. I'm following a low carb approach and I'm doing a lot of running to keep the weight falling off. So far I've done very well. I have been recording my progress and thoughts on a blog called "Around The Waist" - now i've discovered this site, I'll be recording my progress on here too.

My theory is that if I publish to the world what I'm doing on a daily basis, I'm far less likely to fall off the wagon. Reading some of the topics on the forum there are a lot of the people exactly like me.

Anyway, I thought I'd just introduce myself to you all.



  • SquidInTraining
    I popped over to check out your sites, you look fantastic! You've done a great job.. Welcome to MFP :)
  • LostTeen
    LostTeen Posts: 110
    Welcome to the site
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Welcome! This is a great site with a lot of support!
  • crobinson3
    crobinson3 Posts: 35 Member
    The first thing I noticed was the amount of similar people that are on here. It looks like I'm going to enjoy reading this site.
  • crobinson3
    crobinson3 Posts: 35 Member
    Just incase you're wondering why I'm showing a weight loss of 16Kg, it's because I back dated my loss to the start of my latest weight loss programme. If I put it back to 2007 it would be much higher but I'm concentrating on the now.
  • SquidInTraining
    I hope you do enjoy it, it's such a great tool for loss/maintenance. All the supportive people are a bonus as well. :)
  • Chuck1223
    Chuck1223 Posts: 68 Member
    You will get a lot of support on this site.
    Good luck and welcome aboard.
  • CreativeRedhead
    CreativeRedhead Posts: 2,166
    Welcome and Hello! This site is truly full of amazing tips, magnificent people and tons of motivation. I love it and I'm certain you will too. Good luck on the rest of your journey! :happy:
  • bumblemoo
    bumblemoo Posts: 10

    You're doing an amazing job, you look fantastic!