Trying to lose 100 lbs and venting

Hello all and thank you for reading my posting. I guess im in a state of mind thinking that I will never get this weight off of me. I know this time its been only 5 days and 1lbs lost, but what about all the other diets that didn't work? I guess im trying to sort out what makes me think this time is so different. A 100 pounds is a lot of weight. Is it possible to do it in a year? that's what im giving myself. I am hungry all day long when I know I should be full. I know I sound like im whining about the diet that I choice to go on but no matter what diet I do I feel like im starving. Am I the only person who can never feel full unless I over eat and get so full I want to puke? I feel like im losing it. I taste food in my mouth such as cheesecake and haven't had it in ages. Thanks for letting me vent and if anyone has been where im at do you have any advice for me?


  • steph1278
    steph1278 Posts: 483 Member
    Stop looking at it as a diet. You need to change your way of life, not look for a quick fix. You also don't need to starve to lose weight. I have been where you are. It's taken me about 2 years to get to where I am now. I hit some bumps in the road along the way, but never gave up. I am not at my goal yet, but have no doubt that I will get there and be able to maintain it because I am doing it the healthy way that I can sustain for life. I have the Body Media Fit, which tells me how many calories that I burn on a daily basis. I usually eat around 2100 calories per day as I burn up to 3000+ on a very active day. Just give it time and never give up. Good luck!
  • LauraDotts
    LauraDotts Posts: 732 Member
    I understand the overwhelming feeling of needing to lose a lot of weight. Stop looking at the amount of weight you want to lose. Just set a goal of weighing less in a week than you do today. You've already met that goal once. &:) Don't give yourself a time limit. You might reach that 100 pounds lost in a year. But, if you lose 50 pounds in a year that is fantastic.

    Some foods trigger hunger. I don't know what diet you're on but you don't need to be hungry all the time in order to lose weight. How many calories are you eating? Are you dealing with any metabolic issues -- diabetes, insulin resistance, etc.?
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    What happens after that year is up?

    Ideally, you keep moving and keep eating healthy. If you think at all that being "done" means more junk food and less exercise, you will just end up back where you started. You aren't ready to do this right until you are ready to picture yourself ten years from now at your exciting new active hobby.

    One reason having active hobbies helps is because it gives me focus. I am not building muscle (just) to lose weight, I need to be stronger to be safe on my sailboat. I don't want to be leaner just for the sake of being lean, I want to be able to add aerials into my dancing. I don't eat healthy just to be sexy, I eat healthy so that I can enjoy these things, rather than being limited by asthma and diabetes, like my older cousins.
  • sbrownallison
    sbrownallison Posts: 314 Member
    Those of us with weight to lose, at some point, do need to recognize that we need to change our life style and way we approach food. And that this needs to be life-long. I can resent seeing other people seemingly eat what they want and not gain weight -- but I am not one of those people. As to hunger, I am hungry every night when I go to bed; I allow myself that feeling and keep in mind that it probably means that I am losing weight -- and that I can eat in the morning. I control my environment so that I don't have trigger foods around the house because I know that I cannot eat just one piece of cake. A lot of it is a mind game. Good luck on your journey; take it one day (or one meal) at a time.
  • mpost12590
    mpost12590 Posts: 143 Member
    I understand the overwhelming feeling of needing to lose a lot of weight. Stop looking at the amount of weight you want to lose. Just set a goal of weighing less in a week than you do today. You've already met that goal once. &:) Don't give yourself a time limit. You might reach that 100 pounds lost in a year. But, if you lose 50 pounds in a year that is fantastic.

    Some foods trigger hunger. I don't know what diet you're on but you don't need to be hungry all the time in order to lose weight. How many calories are you eating? Are you dealing with any metabolic issues -- diabetes, insulin resistance, etc.?

    I am on the gastric bypass surgery diet. I was put on it with the help of the doctor. I was going to do the surgery but thought lets see where just the diet would take me. I have blood disorders, lupus, and insulin resistance. I am not on the meds for the resistance because my sugar drops low now due to the diet I am on. The doctor says to keep my cal intake no more than 1000 a day. I have a protein shake in the morning, 2 small meals, and 2 small snacks a day. I feel like im starving all the time.
  • mpost12590
    mpost12590 Posts: 143 Member
    Stop looking at it as a diet. You need to change your way of life, not look for a quick fix. You also don't need to starve to lose weight. I have been where you are. It's taken me about 2 years to get to where I am now. I hit some bumps in the road along the way, but never gave up. I am not at my goal yet, but have no doubt that I will get there and be able to maintain it because I am doing it the healthy way that I can sustain for life. I have the Body Media Fit, which tells me how many calories that I burn on a daily basis. I usually eat around 2100 calories per day as I burn up to 3000+ on a very active day. Just give it time and never give up. Good luck!

    Thank you for reading my posting. I know I need to stop looking at it as a diet but its hard not to since I am hungry all the time. the doctor has put me on this diet 1000 cals max a day.
  • gollyd
    gollyd Posts: 15
    I do feel your pain. I am always hungry. I over eat just to fill a void. I could eat all day long everyday....but I have seen what it does to my body, and I dont like those changes. I am uncomfortable, tired, gotten lazy and feel ugly. I have set myself up to lose a certian amount per 7's doable and easier than looking at the total amount I have to lose. I exercise AND eat right to achieve my goal. ANother thing that has helped me to feel fuller everyday....I drink my water. 8 oz every hour. To make it go down easier I add frozen berries. Its very yummy. I also eat every two hours. I bring carrots, pears, apples, oranges to work so I am snacking on those all day. It helps to make me feel fuller. With these small changes I have managed to lose 13 lbs since January. I still have a long way to go....but each day I am feeling better about my progress. Also, eventually your eating patterns dont CRAVE bad food anymore. Good luck to you....and DON'T GIVE UP! Friend me if youd like!
  • hamiltonba
    hamiltonba Posts: 474 Member
    Would you be willing to share your food diary? Maybe your not eating enough and then feel the need to over eat. It is difficult to overcome food issues you may have had for years. When I was a kid, we got one meal a day! So at dinner, I would eat and eat until I could not put another bite in my mouth - afterall, I wasn't eating again until the following night. Now, as an adult, I have trouble understanding when I am full. It has taken me years and I still struggle on a daily basis. I am at a healthy weight and will stay this way, but it has been a difficult journey.

    Keep in mind that this is a life style change and not a diet. Once you lose the weight you can NEVER go back to your old habits or you will be right back at your original weight. I think you should set small goals and not look at the large picture. Maybe set a goal of 10 lbs a month. That is only 2.5 pounds a week. THAT is obtainable!!! Good luck!
  • texasgal7
    texasgal7 Posts: 13 Member
    I know that most doctors tell you that you should never go below 1200 calories a day so you are probably starving yourself. I hope you can get the answers you need. I just feel like you aren't eating enough calories to lose weight in a healthy manner. Good luck.
  • gollyd
    gollyd Posts: 15
    I would be starving at 1,000 calories a day too.....Get a second opinion. That seems a little low.
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    I'm far from a health professional, but if a doctor tried to put me on a 1,000 calorie diet I'd leave. I'd highly suggest speaking with a dietician and work on upping your calories and finding a good balance.

    Anybody would feel ravenous on 1k calories and you really don't deserve to feel like that.
  • mpost12590
    mpost12590 Posts: 143 Member
    What happens after that year is up?

    Ideally, you keep moving and keep eating healthy. If you think at all that being "done" means more junk food and less exercise, you will just end up back where you started. You aren't ready to do this right until you are ready to picture yourself ten years from now at your exciting new active hobby.

    One reason having active hobbies helps is because it gives me focus. I am not building muscle (just) to lose weight, I need to be stronger to be safe on my sailboat. I don't want to be leaner just for the sake of being lean, I want to be able to add aerials into my dancing. I don't eat healthy just to be sexy, I eat healthy so that I can enjoy these things, rather than being limited by asthma and diabetes, like my older cousins.

    After the year is up I would hope that I am at a better weight and have learned to eat healthy. I am right now due to my health on a 1000 cal diet. My doctor has placed me on it. I would hope I in a year can eat like a normal person. I am not really that much into junk food to begin with so that has never been my problem. I love carbs that's my hang up. I am exercising when I can and am charting everything I eat. I am making the changes so that I can live a longer life with my three special needs children. They need mommy healthy.
  • Christie0428
    Christie0428 Posts: 221 Member
    Stop looking at the amount of weight you want to lose. Just set a goal of weighing less in a week than you do today.

    This is the best advice, I've gotten - I have a lot to lose too and just aiming to weight less next week and this wek is much easier to digest.
    Some foods trigger hunger.

    YES! Carbs & sugar for me completely trigger me to lose control over what i'm eating and it is a slippery slop - I eat a little, then want a little more ... and more and so on!!

    Also - if you are always hungry - Add in more veggies to full you up!
  • Reeceybaby1988
    excercise > log > eat back excercise calories = profit
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Ok, you can not be looking at this as a diet or you will fail. Diets are easy to cheat on, diets are easy to give up on and diets have to come to an end at some point. What you need to do and what anyone who has successfully lost and kept it off has done it changed their lifestyles. You need to change your eating habits, level of fitness and attitude towards your body and the weight will be dropping off in no time.

    First of all, you should write down all the meals you eat on a regular basis and check out the calorie amounts of them on MFP. Then I would mark an X next to any meals over 500 calories and figure out how you can change that meal to make it healthier. The idea is you shouldn't deprive yourself of food and the foods you like, so if you love something bad for you, think of what on the plate you wouldn't mind removing/replacing with something healthier and begin like that.

    Next, start trying new foods! Since I began losing weight in October 2012, I have tried so many new, healthy foods that it turns out I love and now would happily choose over a pizza because 1. it doesn't make me feel so ****ty after I eat it and 2. it's got a lot more flavour to it. A lot of the time the healthier you eat the more flavours you will have on your plate and you find a new appreciation for things like onions, tomatoes, carrots, etc.

    Another thing that is important to remember with food is to weigh it before you log it to ensure you are putting the correct amount into your food diary. You will be shocked at how many grams of pasta you really ate and that it equals 600 calories and soon you will be cutting that in half and finding healthier ways to fill your plate and improve your diet.

    The last thing I will say on food is LOG EVERYTHING YOU EAT! Keep your food diary private from everyone if you are embarrassed but you must log everything you eat because it will help you to figure out where your bad habits lie. It could be that you start eating healthier meals but don't lose because you are snacking too frequently throughout the day. It really could be any number of things but you wont be able to figure out where you are going wrong and how to change it unless you are honest with yourself in tracking your diet. If you aren't going to log everything, just don't even bother.

    On to the next thing: EXERCISE!

    First, it's going to be painful. It's going to be tough and there is going to be times you will want to give up. The key is NOT to give up. You need to approach exercise the same way you need to approach changing your diet, baby steps.
    When I first began working out I did Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred every day for 20 minutes (that's all it takes).

    Next, there will be days when you don't want to work out but you have to do what we all do, find a way to motivate yourself. With the 30DS I said to myself - "it's 20 minutes and then you will have the most amazing shower of your life". Trust me, nothing beats a shower after working out.
    Now, I workout for 45-60 minutes every day because I have built up my muscles and fitness level to the point where I can handle it. when I don't feel like working out I say to myself "it's 45 minutes and then you will have the most amazing shower of your life". Other days I say to myself "you don't want to go back to being fat so get off your *kitten* and do something about it". Basically, whatever I feel is going to motivate me best is what I do. But you get the picture with that!
    You WILL eventually become dedicated to it. For me, it took 2 weeks before I realised how essential fitness was going to be to my weight loss because I had lost inches on my body but no weight on the scales, I was thrilled about it and that's what has driven me ever since.

    AND DON'T GIVE UP! Take each day as it comes and cut yourself some slack! You have a long way to go but there is people in this site who have come further and are here to give advice to people like you who are just starting out and feel like the day will never come. If you put the work in and want to change your lifestyle, it will happen for you.

    Set yourself small and manageable goals each month e.g. lose 8lbs per month which is achievable. Or you may want to set yourself a goal by buying a pair of jeans a size smaller than what you are and giving yourself 2 months to work your way into them, whatever will motivate you.

    FINALLY. Add some motivational friends (you are more than welcome to add me) on MFP and don't be afraid to ask questions. You will learn so much valuable information through these message boards and adding friends on this website that it really will be beneficial to your weight loss in the long run.
  • mpost12590
    mpost12590 Posts: 143 Member
    I'm far from a health professional, but if a doctor tried to put me on a 1,000 calorie diet I'd leave. I'd highly suggest speaking with a dietician and work on upping your calories and finding a good balance.

    Anybody would feel ravenous on 1k calories and you really don't deserve to feel like that.

    the doctor and his dietician put me on this diet.
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    I'm far from a health professional, but if a doctor tried to put me on a 1,000 calorie diet I'd leave. I'd highly suggest speaking with a dietician and work on upping your calories and finding a good balance.

    Anybody would feel ravenous on 1k calories and you really don't deserve to feel like that.

    the doctor and his dietician put me on this diet.

    If you are going to follow 1000 calories a day, at least make sure you eat back your exercise calories and I'd log any exercise including things like walking for over 20 minutes.
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    I'm far from a health professional, but if a doctor tried to put me on a 1,000 calorie diet I'd leave. I'd highly suggest speaking with a dietician and work on upping your calories and finding a good balance.

    Anybody would feel ravenous on 1k calories and you really don't deserve to feel like that.

    the doctor and his dietician put me on this diet.
    That's what I'm saying, I think you should seek advice from somebody else.

    Only make changes that you intend on following through permanently, otherwise your old habits will return. Living on 1,000 calories for an extended period of time is FAR from ideal. When you decide to eat "normal" again one day, you will have learned nothing except for drinking protein shakes and maintaining the lower weight will be extremely difficult.

    It's better to lose weight and not even feel like you're dieting. I eat close to 1,400 a day on days I don't work out (I then eat back my exercise calories if I have worked out) and I don't restrict my carbs/fat, I just monitor them. It works because I'm never starving, never deprived and getting healthier every day.

    Suffering through your weight loss isn't the only way to do it. I hope you're able to find a happy medium :flowerforyou:
  • LauraDotts
    LauraDotts Posts: 732 Member
    I understand the overwhelming feeling of needing to lose a lot of weight. Stop looking at the amount of weight you want to lose. Just set a goal of weighing less in a week than you do today. You've already met that goal once. &:) Don't give yourself a time limit. You might reach that 100 pounds lost in a year. But, if you lose 50 pounds in a year that is fantastic.

    Some foods trigger hunger. I don't know what diet you're on but you don't need to be hungry all the time in order to lose weight. How many calories are you eating? Are you dealing with any metabolic issues -- diabetes, insulin resistance, etc.?

    I am on the gastric bypass surgery diet. I was put on it with the help of the doctor. I was going to do the surgery but thought lets see where just the diet would take me. I have blood disorders, lupus, and insulin resistance. I am not on the meds for the resistance because my sugar drops low now due to the diet I am on. The doctor says to keep my cal intake no more than 1000 a day. I have a protein shake in the morning, 2 small meals, and 2 small snacks a day. I feel like im starving all the time.
    You're not eating enough food. You can lose the weight healthily without gastric bypass and without starving all the time.

    First, check out . You will learn how by eating more you can lose more weight.

    Next, because you are dealing with blood disorders, lupus and insulin resistance, look into a low carb, auto immune protocol Paleo diet.

    A regular low calorie diet is almost a sure fire fail for insulin resistance. Blood sugar drops will drive you to eating what you shouldn't eat. You have to learn how to control blood sugar in order to maintain a healthy diet.

    Don't beat yourself up. Learn what works for your body and metabolism.
  • jennimae1
    jennimae1 Posts: 1 Member
    I am where you are now.....I have just as much to lose and have also been battling this for years. Now it is even more important because I have been diagnosed with diabetes. But i think the key that we start at a low achievable goal and then it is easier to hit as to looking at the end goal so much because then it feels as though it is not achievable . I was just saying last night that he just feels as though it takes sooooo long to see results and it is very fusterating for us. maybe you and I could vent to eachother and help eachother through this journey.