Could you help me get started?

I'm a homeschooling, stay at home mom to 3 boys (ages 5, 3, and 1).

I've lost weight many times before, after every pregnancy I'm left with a substantial amount to lose. Right now, I have 25 pounds of pregnancy weight to lose and my baby is one today. My pregnancy weight is 150 and ideally I'd like to weigh between 140 and 150 (my BMI would be just at the upper limit of the healthy weight at 145, which I've waited for a very small time period back in 2008 and whenever I originally passed it up probably around age 15/16, and I think I looked great at 150 even though I was "overweight"). I gained 70 pounds when pregnant and lost 30 right away. I've "only" lost 14 pounds since May 10, 2012. I'm willing to take the next 6 months (or so) and make weight loss my priority (cause, you know, I'd like to wear my prepregnancy clothes before my baby is 2!) My baby still nurses once a day or once everyday. He should be done breast feeding very shortly. He doesn't consistently sleep through the night.

What I'm looking for is an exercise regimen. I have 3 days where I can workout. I will have access to weights (not machines), various medicine balls and other resistance bands, etc. and a treadmill. I've ran before (half marathon in 2001 before falling pregnant again), and will start that again soon (I have a few obstacles I'm trying to take care of like I don't have any running shoes and my glasses fall off of my face easily so I need to get some contacts, lol).

As for eating, I am consistently around 1500 net (which is the number MFP gave me). Right now I'm eating breakfast (eggs and something, toast or no sugar added applesauce this am) around 8, lunch around 11/11:30 (leftovers, or a salad, etc.), then a snack around 3 (peanut butter and an apple or cottage cheese or something like that), and dinner around 6 (meat and veggies, sometimes with noodles, or rice, etc.) I am to get in 10 cups of water a day (sometimes I fail). I need my two cups of coffee with splenda and half and half in the am. :D

Does this suffice or is there an eating plan you'd recommend? I'm on a budget though :)

Any help would be great. I kinda feel like I'm starting over...


  • jerilynconn
    jerilynconn Posts: 524 Member
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    As far as your diet goes, it sounds pretty good to me. There are some that will tell you to avoid sugars or carbs or whatever but it sounds like you make pretty healthy choices and as long as you stay within your calorie allotment and feel satisfied, that's the most important thing.

    If you're not familiar with strength training, I know a low of women here like the book "New Rules of Lifting for Women". You could always check out your library for that or other books on weight lifting and/or videos on youtube for more visuals and tips on form, etc.

    I wonder if there's some kind of band you could get to help keep your glasses on your face when you run? I'm going to google...

    heres's one: