Weirdest Workout/Fitness Injury

I heard a discussion on the radio this morning about the weirdest ways people had gotten hurt and I thought of this past summer when I first started exercising. I went to the local park to walk. It was hot so I decided to fill a plastic bottle with a little water earlier in the day and freeze it then after work I would fill it with water and have ice cold water while I exercised. The bottle was small and my shorts pocket was large so I just stuffed the bottle into my pocket as I was walking. When I got done I noticed that my leg where the bottle had been touching felt weird. As I drove home, the spot went from numb to painful. When I looked at it, it was blood red and almost scabbed over.There is a nurse where I work and she looked at it the next day and said it wasn't actual frostbite, it was more like frostburn but I still laugh at being the only girl in the world who can get frostbit in the middle of August when its 90 degress outside!