Been Trying to lose Weight for Ever.



  • hugglegirl
    hugglegirl Posts: 35 Member
    My advice, try not to weigh yourself everyday. Your weight fluctuates so much during the day. Trust me, I used to weigh everyday and get discouraged because I didn't see a loss, then at the end of the week I actually saw a real loss. So I switched to weighing once a week(every Saturday morning). Try it and see if it helps.

    Yeah I know I shouldn't weigh myself everyday but it is hard :(

    Although I don't record my everyday weight only on fridays do I record my weights.
  • hugglegirl
    hugglegirl Posts: 35 Member
    Isn't your wedding enough motivation to get in shape?

    What the heck does this even mean?! 0.o

    It means exactly what I said. Usually a special event like a wedding is a great motivator to starting getting in shape. She has a wedding to look forward to. And yet she's asking for motivation.

    ... Yes my wedding is great motivation but when you are on a diet completely alone it is nice to have moivation from people doing the same as you. Thanks for your input though :D
  • hugglegirl
    hugglegirl Posts: 35 Member
    Best thing you can do is stop weighing yourself every day. I used to do that and it drove me nuts. Now I just weigh in every Friday morning as soon as I get up. It's tempting to weigh in through the week, but I know that weight can vary. Also, make sure you are weighing in at the same time every day for consistency.

    I'm with the PP too - have small baby goals to get you on your way. To start yourself out pick something that you know you can do and then go for it. Reward yourself with something nice when you're done (just make sure its not food related). It's going to be hard BUT one thing I've learned is once you get it in your head that you can do it - there's nothing that can stop you.

    Also - if you're having trouble seeing results on the scale - look for victories in other places - maybe inches off the waist, or good food choices.

    You can do this!

    Thanks :)
  • hugglegirl
    hugglegirl Posts: 35 Member
    I'm going to be getting married in 2015 too! That is cool. How much do you have to loose? Make a goal, and make a plan. Every time you want to eat something you can't, say to yourself, "I WILL look good for him and for me on my wedding day!" Once you get it off, it is easier to keep it off.

    Were Bride Sisters :) I want to lose 120 pounds perferably, you? Thats a good thing to think of thanks!!
  • hugglegirl
    hugglegirl Posts: 35 Member
    Has anyone's wedding ever been ruined because they were overweight?

    Losing weight takes dedication. It takes reminding yourself that this is important, even if the why doesn't seem so important right now. If your wedding is your only motivation, what happens when your mother in law takes over the invitation designs without your permission? What happens when you have a fight with your fiancé?

    Think of the things you will be able to do when you are physically fit. If you plan on having kids, think how much easier that will be when you are healthy.

    Make more immediate goals, as well: eat more veggies this week, less sugar next week and run further the week after that!

    Looking good for my guy is important to me. Although it isn't my only motivation.. My grandma died because she was healthy.. I want to live long because she died young. She told me not to follow her example and I'm not going to.
  • Gracerrr
    Gracerrr Posts: 141
    Isn't your wedding enough motivation to get in shape?

    What the heck does this even mean?! 0.o

    It means exactly what I said. Usually a special event like a wedding is a great motivator to starting getting in shape. She has a wedding to look forward to. And yet she's asking for motivation.

    What a catty thing to say, that's all. Why shame someone for seeking out additional motivation? I didn't lose weight for my wedding, and it had nothing to do with it not being important enough.