Need motivation, struggling

I'm feeling a bit low and stressed out atm - I had wanted to lose 3 stone by May and tone up, and its now approaching March, I hit 14lbs loss, and gone up 2lbs today, have started measuring myself as well, because i'm feeling demotivated not seeing a loss like I did at first, with so little time left, I know I won't hit my goal, but need to lose as much possible. I've been sticking as close to my 1520 goal a day, looked at different calorie calculations, but can't understand them, working out 5-6 days a week now, as well as walking around and running up and down stairs at work all day 5 days a week - I did crumble a bit today and ate a mini pizza alongside my lunch, but still under my calories. I know I would struggle as I don't eat fruit and veg - i've tried loads and it all makes me physically sick, although I have vitamin tablets, and at least one glass of orange juice a day to make sure there's something, but even excercised on my rest day yesterday because I feel like i'm getting desperate, and part of me just wants to starve, just to get some sort of loss :(

Ranting a bit, just feeling low and fed up, and really craving bad foods!


  • AnnDenny
    AnnDenny Posts: 172 Member
    How often do you weight yourself? My weight will fluctuate up to five pounds throughout the week. So I learned to only weight in on friday mornings before I eat and after I use the bathroom. You've already lost 14 pounds!! That is great! If you can do that, you can do it again! Be patient, confident, and believe in yourself :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • fittertanme
    fittertanme Posts: 259 Member
    I agree with ann about weighting but dont be pressured if you dont lose any in a week as you could do better the following week the body will lose it when its ready but dont give up you can do it
  • cerenia
    cerenia Posts: 74 Member
    I check daily because of my water levels and fat %, like to see them go down to keep me going, but I lost 8-9 pounds in 3 weeks, since then its taken 5 weeks to lose 5lbs, not where I want to be! I started Jan 7th, and i'm really fighting for it now, but i'm not seeing what I need - if I could lose 2lbs a week, i would be better than nothing I guess, but starting to feel "whats the point?" I had hit a plateau, then came off it losing 3lbs, now I seem to be back on it, and really worrying, I knew it wouldn't be easy, but I was hoping to be looking at 20lbs lost by now, minimum :(
  • It is just a plateau, everyone hits it. Remain positive and stay on track and you'll be fine. It is recommended that you weigh yourself once a week at the same time, preferably in the mornings before you eat breakfast. Good luck and don't be so hard on yourself!
  • Bownzi
    Bownzi Posts: 423 Member
    It is going to be alright... just keep going... if you have made the goal to lose then don't let it get you down when you platue.... keep up the work and you will start losing again... it took me almost 5 weeks of working out everyday before I started to even lose a pound... you will be fine look how far you have come already..:bigsmile:
  • cerenia
    cerenia Posts: 74 Member
    Thanks guys, just was hoping to last a little longer to hit a second plateau, i've cut out fizzy (bar my treat small bottle of weightwatchers lemonade a week), cut out bread, cut chocolate down considerably, even given up mince and converted to Quorn, going to get another workout done on the Kinect, see if that perks me up a bit
  • jamantha
    jamantha Posts: 118 Member
    OK, you joined in January, it's now the end of Feb. So that 14lb in 2 months. That's pretty good going! Well done you :)

    2lb apparent gain? Could be water. Could be time of month? I know it's hard, but forget it! Think of the longer term, bigger picture. If you stick with it, then in another month and there'll be several more lb gone. Or you can have the short term satisfaction of those less healthy foods, but not see the results. You CAN do it - you have proved that so far this year. Just don't pack up because it's a bit challenging this week :)
  • cerenia
    cerenia Posts: 74 Member
    Just had another 20 mins workout, 126 cals lost, just not got my heart in it :( I'll take some stress out on cardio boxing.
  • JayFred71
    JayFred71 Posts: 14 Member
    5lbs in 5 weeks is actually good. A pound loss per week. Slow and steady not only means you are doing well but also that it's at a good enough pace that the chances of keeping it off are better. Don't worry about the fluctuation...based on what you are are exactly where you need to be! Keep it up! Don't put so much stock on the May you should on the goal of continuing this way.
  • cerenia
    cerenia Posts: 74 Member
    I do wish to keept this up long term, i've always been the big one, just going to be going to an expo in May i've not been to since 2009, and some people there won't have seen me since then, want to impress, and just feel confident, get paranoia issues when there's loads of people around :( Thanks though all, i've burnt through 300 cals excercise tonight now, might try and get another 50-100 in before bed x