HELP - Dieting, exercising, and ONE lb lost in 6 weeks



  • FitBlackChick
    FitBlackChick Posts: 215 Member
    WOW... i asked for help and you all totally came thro!! lol

    1) i have been making an effort to cosistantly do my food logs... as with all of us, life gets crazy and i wouldnt get it done. Theses arent high cal days, just days i didnt input.

    2) i was following the 1200 cal diet... but after not losing and reading up i upped it to about 1650cal per day. I do have some problems consistantly eating enough, so i have added almonds, peanut butter ... whatnot.. noticed on my NONE workout days this was making me go over, specially the fat... so nuts only on workout days.

    3) I use a heart rate monitor when ever i work out so i have a better idea of what im burning...

    4) I was doing Insanity for a few weeks... but i was bored stupid and just getting thro a workout was making me crazy... bored but EXAUSTED. And i kept reading that higher muscles helps burn ur fat... build muscle. SOOO, i figured id change it up... just started a workout from womens health (man is doin the guy version and seeing CRAZY reults) ...
    1A - Alt DB chest press on ball weighted - 12 ea side
    1B - Swiss Ball jackKnife - 10
    1C - Unsupporeded one-arm DB row - weighted - 15 ea arm
    - REST 2 MIN
    2A - Squat Thrusts - 10 -15
    2B - Single -leg Dumbbell deadlift 12/leg
    2C Jump Lunges - weighted 20 reps
    - REST 2 MIN

    OK then goes on to 3A-3C and 4A - 4C
    You get the picture

    With so much exercise, I really think you ought to be eating more. You should consider eating back at least some of your workout calories. Remember, our bodies need a certain number of calories just to do the basics: breathing, blinking, sleeping etc. You need to give your body the fuel it needs to do the extras, including exercise. Don' be afraid of food (something I'm battling myself tbh). I know the idea of eating more is scary especially since typically it is believed that when you want to lose weight, you should eat as little as possible. But exercising gives us the leisure of being able to eat more :smile:
    Over training might also be a factor here. You might want to incorporate some real rest days into your routine (i.e days when you don't workout at all, or at most go for a leisurely stroll).
    What ever the case, weight loss is trial and error. Stick with it and you WILL find what works for you :smile:
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Unless you are eating the same thing every day it is really easy to over eat when we aren't logging.
  • hilldiggity
    hilldiggity Posts: 166 Member
    i do measure, tho i do not weight, i eye it out... i do have a scale... i will def pull it out and leave it on the counter and start weighing my protein!

    Weigh more than your protein. Weigh *everything*.
  • Cara75
    Cara75 Posts: 52 Member
    ok i figured out my TDEE - 2654, BMR 1713

    So with the workouts, its Monday do workout A, off tue, Wed Workout B, OFF Thur, Fri Workout A, Sat Free day Do what you want for cardio, or do nothing at all... Sunday STRICT REST! Only issue i have is Monday is usually Derby training... easy 1500 cal burn alone.

    - also, comment about poss droppin the protein powder... That would be tough for me. Some of my days are INSANE, i know that is no excuse as you all have the same issue... but i have a very difficult time getting it all in. ... maybe a better quality protien powder? Any suggestions?
  • Cptrob
    Cptrob Posts: 80 Member
    start weighing all your food and see if that helps. If that doesn't then cut your calories a bit...
  • Cptrob
    Cptrob Posts: 80 Member
    also nothing wrong with protein powder. It's a food source... not really a supplement, it's FOOD.
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    People keep mentioning water, and they are probably right. Have a look here:

    When you change a lot of your habits at once, your metabolism may not react how you expect. Your body will retain water, especially if your sodium intake is high already, and it might opt to metabolize your muscle instead of fat tissue. The first problem will resolve itself with time, but the second will result in weight loss of poor quality.

    So in addition to seconding (thirding? whatever) the advice about making sure you are tracking food accurately, let me add these:

    1. Weight training is a very effective way to reduce your body's SIZE while maintaining muscle mass.
    2. Eat plenty of protein.
    3. Figure out how your weight fluctuates over the course of your menstrual cycle and weigh yourself at the same time to compare. Six weeks should have been enough to see small changes, but for some women it can take longer to see any significant results.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    also nothing wrong with protein powder. It's a food source... not really a supplement, it's FOOD.

    What is the dividing line between the two?
  • Cara75
    Cara75 Posts: 52 Member
    I really want to thank everyone!! You all pointed out some things i will work on!!

    1. reducing my salad dressing, this i already knew... but was despertly trying to ignore... i read a tip somewhere to dip ur fork in it instead of smothering.. ill try that

    2) i already drink absurds about of water, but i will make sure this doesnt slip

    3) LOG LOG LOG... ive been really working on this but i saw a comment about lil veggies in my logs even tho i feel like a bloody rabbit some day with the amount of veggies i eat.... and i noticed where i didnt log some =/ ... so yes work harder on my logging

    4) im a freak about measuring, yet i dont weigh... even tho i have a perfect scale in my kitchen drawer... well it has a new hom on my counter. I will weigh everything!!!

    QUESTIONS... now we know my BMR 1713 and my TDEE 2654 ... what does that mean?? Eating over 1800 cals a day!? that will be very tough for me to swollow!

    also... do i weigh my meat cooked or raw!?
  • Cptrob
    Cptrob Posts: 80 Member
    also nothing wrong with protein powder. It's a food source... not really a supplement, it's FOOD.

    What is the dividing line between the two?

    i get a bit tired of eating so much chicken, lean turkey etc.. so some meals that meal is a protein shake. I'm not sure of the dividing line...

    also.. the above post about water!! yes yes and yes... i went to disneyland on monday and my sodium increase SPIKED! oh baby, i was paying for it the next day.. super bloated, even felt like my pressure was off.. horrible feeling... But i've been flushing it out with loads of water ever since.. :):)

    Water is your bestfriend :)
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member

    also... do i weigh my meat cooked or raw!?

    Either is fine, just pick the appropriate entry in the database (there's one for raw one for cooked).
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    try this little experiment weigh yourself after a rest day.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member

    also... do i weigh my meat cooked or raw!?

    Either is fine, just pick the appropriate entry in the database (there's one for raw one for cooked).

    If you are coking it with anything else, weigh it raw. This is the normal standard for meat.
  • Cptrob
    Cptrob Posts: 80 Member
    the cooked or raw question. I struggled with this one for a good while!! but just stick to what is easiest for you and keep it consistent. weigh raw... always weigh raw.. if you weigh cooked then always weigh it cooked...

    also, i don't want to get into the whole CALORIE drama here. My 2 cents.. stay with your current caloric goal, but really start to weigh EVERYTHING.. and see if anything changes. and tweak from there. if you are not losing weight at 1600, i just don't see how adding calories will now put you at a deficit.
  • Bownzi
    Bownzi Posts: 423 Member
    Keep going.... it took me 5 weeks before I started to lose..... you will get ther.... keep you momentum going...
  • Cara75
    Cara75 Posts: 52 Member
    try this little experiment weigh yourself after a rest day.

    i will do that!!! That will be Monday =)
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    try this little experiment weigh yourself after a rest day.

    Another good point--I would even say "two rest days" or more. Sore muscles get inflamed and retain water; if you have been working out a lot, give yourself breaks now and then.
  • ApexLeader
    ApexLeader Posts: 580 Member
    overestimate calories consumed, underestimate calories burned (and only track calories from actual focused exercise and not just random stuff you do).

    other than that, you could try cutting your carbs a lot also. you're at 400 grams of carbs on some days. try to stay under 200 every day for a few weeks and see if that speeds up your weight loss.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Are you measuring food accurately? Using a digital food scale can help calorie counting be more accurate.

    Weighing your food makes a huge difference. A cup is not a cup and a TBSP is not a TBSP. You'll be shocked!!
  • Cara75
    Cara75 Posts: 52 Member
    the cooked or raw question. I struggled with this one for a good while!! but just stick to what is easiest for you and keep it consistent. weigh raw... always weigh raw.. if you weigh cooked then always weigh it cooked...

    also, i don't want to get into the whole CALORIE drama here. My 2 cents.. stay with your current caloric goal, but really start to weigh EVERYTHING.. and see if anything changes. and tweak from there. if you are not losing weight at 1600, i just don't see how adding calories will now put you at a deficit.

    THANK YOU!!!

    Everyone... i feel so much better... i HAVE A PLAN!! haa haha

    i was actually feeling crappy about going to Mexico in April, i really wanted to wear my summer clothes! DO NOT wanna have to buy fat clothes!! =( ** I quit smoking end of summer and gained 25+ lbs* was hoping to loose 20lbs of it before Mexico =(