*ATTN exercise calorie eaters*



  • My HRM has a higher estimate than MFP and the machines which is why I am asking. I do however have a high resting HR and I am 211 pounds. I am usually in the 170/180 range when working out.
  • vlmay1955
    vlmay1955 Posts: 100 Member
    I have always just used the "canned" numbers from exercise machines (if they allow me to input my weight) or MFP, etc. What do you use or how do you calculate calories burned using your heart rate? My natural heart rate is very low because I usually do 1 - 2 hours cardio work daily (when I had my routine physical a couple weeks ago, my resting heart rate in the AM before eating anything or drinking any coffee was 40 BPM) and I have a heck of a time getting it up to what is supposedly 85% for my age group.
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    I have an HR I use but have had it so long I pretty much know my calorie burns. That said, I don't worry too much about being exact for all go this? Ball park is good enough for most stuff.

    Pretty much this. I just run. My HRM, the treadmill (if I'm not outside), mfp and a bunch of other calculators are all pretty much the same (give or take). I usually just put in what mfp gives me cause I'm lazy like that and I really have better things to stress about than 50-75-100 calories here and there. I generally eat my calories-not always on the day I earned them though. I eat to run, not run to eat-although I have enjoyed many a naughty treat after a long run (gotta do something to fill that 1000+ calorie hole).
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    I am a fitbit user, I usually eat half of my calories back if I am hungery. If not I don't worry about having a larger deficit as I only have MFP set at -500 calories a day, and so it gives me room to add to the deficit without getting into trouble.
  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 811 Member
    I use my fitbit and my HRM! :)
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    I have a Polar FT60 and I eat back 85% of my calories burned leaving 15% for error....... Has worked pretty well for me so far..... Best of Luck

    Same with me.

    Also: three cheers for you, Ed :drinker: