Such thing as too much protein?



  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Nutrition 101. Most US citizens get way too much protein. That's why there is no reason for shakes and what not. Unless you are an extreme vegetarian.

    Most US citizens are not at a caloric deficit and do not do any measurable exercise.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    A few days back my doctor told me to lower my protein because my cholesterol was up. Not sure that's going to help but I'll try since I don't want to go on medication. It's borderline now but since I am probably close to menopause she is concerned as apparently it can go up more then.

    There may be some medical history that prompted that recommendation, but for most people that would be an odd instruction. I can see saying eat less beef and more fish and beans, or switch from ribeye to a leaner cut, or something like that. What did she suggest you replace the protein with?

    She didn't say, she only said that sometimes too much protein can cause it and asked if I wanted to see a nutritionist but because it's not very serious I thought I'd just try it out first. She said was I having too much protein shakes/bars but I hardly ever have them. I do eat quite a bit of red meat though. I am a bit confused.

    Edited to say that I did have fatty liver before and high blood pressure but all fine now, not sure if that has anything to do with this at all or not.

    That is odd as protein itself should not impact cholesterol.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    A few days back my doctor told me to lower my protein because my cholesterol was up. Not sure that's going to help but I'll try since I don't want to go on medication. It's borderline now but since I am probably close to menopause she is concerned as apparently it can go up more then.

    There may be some medical history that prompted that recommendation, but for most people that would be an odd instruction. I can see saying eat less beef and more fish and beans, or switch from ribeye to a leaner cut, or something like that. What did she suggest you replace the protein with?

    She didn't say, she only said that sometimes too much protein can cause it and asked if I wanted to see a nutritionist but because it's not very serious I thought I'd just try it out first. She said was I having too much protein shakes/bars but I hardly ever have them. I do eat quite a bit of red meat though. I am a bit confused.

    Edited to say that I did have fatty liver before and high blood pressure but all fine now, not sure if that has anything to do with this at all or not.

    That is odd as protein itself should not impact cholesterol.

    That is what I thought Sara. She is a very good doctor though. I am seeing her again soon so will ask more about it.
  • bulldog46208
    A few days back my doctor told me to lower my protein because my cholesterol was up. Not sure that's going to help but I'll try since I don't want to go on medication. It's borderline now but since I am probably close to menopause she is concerned as apparently it can go up more then.

    There may be some medical history that prompted that recommendation, but for most people that would be an odd instruction. I can see saying eat less beef and more fish and beans, or switch from ribeye to a leaner cut, or something like that. What did she suggest you replace the protein with?

    She didn't say, she only said that sometimes too much protein can cause it and asked if I wanted to see a nutritionist but because it's not very serious I thought I'd just try it out first. She said was I having too much protein shakes/bars but I hardly ever have them. I do eat quite a bit of red meat though. I am a bit confused.

    Edited to say that I did have fatty liver before and high blood pressure but all fine now, not sure if that has anything to do with this at all or not.

    That is odd as protein itself should not impact cholesterol.

    That is what I thought Sara. She is a very good doctor though. I am seeing her again soon so will ask more about it.

    I think I understand what your doctor is saying. Sometimes people name a Macronutrient as a food group. When your doctor says to take it easy on the protein I think they are saying to limit the intake of Whoppers, Big Macs and bacon.
    Having high total cholesterol is very serious, because it is a precursor to cardiovascular heart disease. However, the good news is that it is easy to lower total cholesterol. Limit those foods that are high in unsaturated fat and dietery cholesterol (i.e. buffalo wings). I believe that I have noticed that some of the processed protein bars have some saturated fat in them. Consider eating foods low in saturated fat and high in fiber to lower your total cholesterol (i.e. lentils). Lentils are actually a great source of protein that can lower your total cholesterol.
    Hope things improve with your personal health and hope you keep a happy heart.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Nutrition 101. Most US citizens get way too much protein. That's why there is no reason for shakes and what not. Unless you are an extreme vegetarian.

    Wow! 9 post in and ready to school everyone. Welcome to the neighborhood?? :huh:

    ??? I don't understand this response. Do you suggest that one needs MFP in order to learn about nutrition, or that people should hide their knowledge until they've posted (what you deem) an appropriate number of meaningless posts, or what??
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    Yes there are risks to eating too much protein:
    1. The body will take excess protein that it does not need and store it as fat.

    False. The body will store excess calories as fat... not excess protein.

    OP, unless you have an issue with your kidneys or your doctor has told you not to go above a certain amount of protein don't worry about it.
  • Longbowgilly
    Longbowgilly Posts: 262 Member
    Protein is broken down into glucose just as carbs are... only more slowly. Too much protein (which also infers an excess of calories) will add to body fat. So, yes, you can get fat on a 0 carb diet. The risk to high protein diets is a risk of vitamins and minterals due to a one sided diet.

    I noticed this happening to me on a very low carb diet, I was having heaps of protien with every meal but stopped losing weight and it would not shift, I then found out that I am a type 2 diabetic and my doctor told me that too much protein will cause me problems blood sugar wise as it converts to sugar somehow. I have found articles online that do back it up, so I don't go crazy protien wise anymore.
  • jaygreen55
    jaygreen55 Posts: 315 Member
    What if you added protein powder/ate protein for every meal? What are the side effects of consuming too much?

    Are there any negative consequences from eating a very high protein diet?

    Here are some links to some FACT based articles as opposed to opinions often misguided from members on the site

    Too much protein can harm your body - on › ... › exercise & fitness az listMay 29, 2002 – Eating extra protein actually doesn't do much toward boosting your muscle ... In fact, medical research shows that consuming too much protein -- more than ... you can lose a significant amount of water, which puts you at risk of ... - High-Protein Diets: Are You Losing More Than ... › Nutrition › Essential Nutrients › ProteinJan 16, 2004 – Many people are putting their health at risk by eating too much protein. Excessive protein consumption, particularly animal protein, can result in


    The Dangers Of Too Much Protein | LIVESTRONG.COM › Diet & Nutrition › Protein › Too Much ProteinMay 3, 2011 – The Dangers Of Too Much Protein. High-protein, low-carb diets have become popular because they allow a dieter to lose weight without ...
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    What if you added protein powder/ate protein for every meal? What are the side effects of consuming too much?

    Are there any negative consequences from eating a very high protein diet?

    Here are some links to some FACT based articles as opposed to opinions often misguided from members on the site

    Too much protein can harm your body - on › ... › exercise & fitness az listMay 29, 2002 – Eating extra protein actually doesn't do much toward boosting your muscle ... In fact, medical research shows that consuming too much protein -- more than ... you can lose a significant amount of water, which puts you at risk of ... - High-Protein Diets: Are You Losing More Than ... › Nutrition › Essential Nutrients › ProteinJan 16, 2004 – Many people are putting their health at risk by eating too much protein. Excessive protein consumption, particularly animal protein, can result in


    The Dangers Of Too Much Protein | LIVESTRONG.COM › Diet & Nutrition › Protein › Too Much ProteinMay 3, 2011 – The Dangers Of Too Much Protein. High-protein, low-carb diets have become popular because they allow a dieter to lose weight without ...

    Surely you jest calling Livestrong, and medicinenet sources of facts??? lol Go back to page to and read the actual peer reviewed studies. There you will find facts!! :laugh: