Hoping for better results

Hi Everyone, I am new to this website and am excited about all it has to offer. I am in dire need to lose 40+ pounds which I have battled for many many years. It has affected my health in the form of type 2 diabetes and has now gotten me to the point of taking injections daily. I hate that!

I started tracking seriously today and am off to the gym after work. I hope to stay on track and be on my way to a new healthier me.


  • Hopey1994
    Hopey1994 Posts: 307
    Welcome to the site! I know you can lose that 40 lbs, and this site is such an amazing tool to get you through it.
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    Congrats for finding this site the people are very friendly and helpful. Just jump in the boat and take a steady course and you'll be there in no time
  • Granny2b
    Granny2b Posts: 91
    Hi and welcome. You are so motivated to help yourself and your health. Wishing you well in your weight loss journey !

    Pamela xxx