
peggyalex Posts: 174 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I am having problems with acne. Never before have I had trouble except at that certain time of the month. Now that Im not drinking pop and eating right I have it poping up everywhere! Help! Any suggestions on what to do would be great! Im guessing that is from sweating alot more than in the past and maybe not washing my face well enough! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!


  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    I experienced this also, but only on my chest. I assumed it was from sweating under my sports bra. Try taking it off as soon as possible and then hopping in the shower. Hopefully it would work for your face as well!
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    I am having problems with acne. Never before have I had trouble except at that certain time of the month. Now that Im not drinking pop and eating right I have it poping up everywhere! Help! Any suggestions on what to do would be great! Im guessing that is from sweating alot more than in the past and maybe not washing my face well enough! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

    Well I've got as few ideas, first off when did you start noticing it? Was it when you changed from eating not so healthy to far healthier?? Could be all the toxins in your body making their way out. My face is very clear now and I use products to wash it am/pm and I'm quite sure that makes a difference. BUT water definitely will help keep your skin moist and clear as well as fresh fruits, try to chill out on preservatives or at least cut way back if you are eating processed food.

    I'm sorry I should have checked your stats but you look young could it be stress, school anything like that changing in your life since you've started breaking out more?

    Just some thoughts, hope something here helps :flowerforyou:
  • Hopey1994
    Hopey1994 Posts: 307
    Try washing your face right after you've cooled down from your workout (no more sweating). And make sure to moisturize because additional washing can dry out your skin.
  • red01angel
    red01angel Posts: 806 Member
    Have you been washing your face BEFORE your workouts?? When you exercise, your pores open, so any makeup, oil, etc. that your skin has encountered during the day can seep into them. Sweat alone isn't dirty and won't cause you to break's the other "stuff" on your face that you should worry about. :)
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    WOW, ok just checked your stats...I will say from your photo when I first glanced up I would of guessed you for college age, dang 32, you don't look 32. :) Not that 32 is anything but a number but just thought I'd share is all.:flowerforyou: :tongue: I'm 49 and feel 20 so really to me age is how you feel and the energy you have! Losing alot of weight and changing everything about how I eat and view food and moving my body made a huge difference in all that I'm sure!:laugh:

    Skin can change so much as we swap foods for other activities, it sure might be from working out and the weather's getting warmer. I try and splash water on my face while still at the gym after a workout, figure it probably helps a least a bit. :drinker:

    My apologies for teetering off the topic a bit!:blushing: :flowerforyou:
  • AlyssaC2010
    AlyssaC2010 Posts: 100
    Stress could definitely be a biggie! I'm just like you...never break out except for the time around my period but I'm breaking out a little on my forehead...except I definitely know mine is stress since it's the last couple of weeks for the semester. If that wouldn't be it, then I agree with everyone else about the sweating. Try washing your face with warm water about 10 minutes or so after your workout (that way you won't be sweating anymore). I just use some Dove Sensitive Skin bar amazing! And then I moisturize with some Oil of Olay cream and my skin feels nice & soft.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    What helps me is to exfoliate well and moisturize right away after the gym. I don't know what it is, I guess bacteria in the sweat?
  • andyroy
    andyroy Posts: 4
    It's possible that as your body gets treated to healthier input and output, that it's ridding itself of unwanted toxins. Pop ("soda" where I grew up ;) ) is horrible stuff. There's a good chance that this is actually a good sign that you're on the right track!
  • Had the same problem and major soda junkie here its been three months and 12 days since I had my last soda. The acne will go away increase your water intake I hate water but now its just a drink I drink about 6-8 glasses a day about 4 to 5 water bottles 16.9 fl oz per day. Now my skin is clear the clearest I thinks its ever been my teeth got whiter I think its from the floride they put in the bottled water and my hair is shiny and much healthier. It's just your body getting rid of all the toxins soda has in it and if you were a major junkie who only drank coke think about it this way you can use coke to get rid of rust and clean your car battery so if it can do that then imagine what junk is in your body. Give it some time and good luck. If you work out at a public gym I would suggest some work out gloves people sweat on the machines if you touch your face afterwards more then likely your gonna break out I also use a head band and wipe down the machines before and after with those antibacterial wipes washing your face after a good work out or shower is also a very good suggestion.
  • peggyalex
    peggyalex Posts: 174 Member
    Thank you all sooo much! I think it may be a combination of sweating and probably ridding my body of the toxins possibly as I was a major Mt dew junkie! I will try some of these ideas and let you all know how it goes!!! Thanks again!
  • I am having problems with acne. Never before have I had trouble except at that certain time of the month. Now that Im not drinking pop and eating right I have it poping up everywhere! Help! Any suggestions on what to do would be great! Im guessing that is from sweating alot more than in the past and maybe not washing my face well enough! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

    For starters:

    Clease in the AM and PM no matter how tired you may be. Always use something correct for your skin. PM me if you want to know how to choose the correct products.

    Always follow a cleanse with a moisturizer that is correct for your skin. (Even when you are breaking out, you MUST moisturize! Sometimes people skip it thinking it will make it worse because they are already oily. This is a myth. Oil causes breakouts, moisturizer hydrates.

    After a workout, try some cleansing cloths. then moisturize.

    Make sure you are drinking tons of water. Divide your current weight by 2 and that is how many ounces you need daily. Adjust accordingly. Theres alot of disproval of this method on this site. I'm saying this from a skincare perspective, water is a must!

    If you do this, it should be all you need. But you need to stick to it religiously. Think of it this way, you're putting alot of time into your exercise and nutrition. Your skin is the protection for your whole body.

    If you want some more personal advice on product recommendations or have any other questions, feel free to PM me. I can give you a routine starting off slow and build you up to a full skincare regimen.

  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    If you find it doesn't clear up, a visit to the doc or dermatologist may be in order. I had an issue that started on my chin (about 3 months before my wedding). If I didn't moisturize it looked dry and horrible. If I did moisturize, it looked like an angry red rash. It didn't go away on it's own, and I eventually made it in to the dermatologist. He called it "perioral dermatitis" and prescribed antibiotics. Also told me they don't really know what causes it. One theory is flouride. They cleared up the area, but over the years it's come back periodically. So, about once a year or so, I have to go in and get a new prescription.

    I was thinking around the holidays that I would have to go in again and see him, but then found out I am allergic to certain foods. Foods that I ate every day, sometimes even a couple of times a day. Now that I've cut those foods out of my diet, I find that my face is much clearer now, and I don't get the rashy acne look.
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