I'm new-what works 4U?

:happy: Hi gang! I just started dieting again today (well eating healthier) for the umteenth time, and wow, just accidently came across this site. It is filled with a lot of positive feeds and I want to get in on the fun. I can use any support to keep me away from the sweets. Chocolate is my biggest weekness and I need to get it off my mind. The other problem is that I am never thirsty, therefore I forget to drink enough fluids to be normal. LOL. I'm not getting any younger and I want to make my body healthier and better looking so I can recognize the person I see in the mirror. What seems to work for you?


  • 6Pk2Go
    6Pk2Go Posts: 105
    Hi & Welcome, As far as chocolate cravings go, Protein Bars are great. I especially like the Detour variety at Costco. They taste like a real chocolate bar to me. Just be careful to watch the sugar count and calories in some of the brands. As for drinking enough water, I carry a metal water bottle with me everywhere, sipping on it becomes a habit after a while.
  • allyson223
    :smile: Hello! And welcome! MFP is the best site ever! You really do become aware of what you are eating and allows you to make better choices as far as your diet and health go. Congratulations on starting this journey!

    As for me, I am a planner. It helps me to start the day and plan my meals and then can plan my snacks around the calories I have left. (Snack time is my biggest weakness!) The other biggest help is having positive people in your life that really encourage you. Find a friend that will support and encourage you through this process and even hold you accountable. There are so many great people here that will celebrate with you as well as push you and encourage you. Congratulations on starting this journey and best of luck in making these lifestyle changes. I hope you find out soon that eating healthy is pretty easy and the results are great! I know that's what I've found very quickly here!
  • carolemsavoie
    Hello & welcome I'm new here as well ... I have a craving 4 chips & pop ,ice cream & chocolate....all that is not good for you & is why I'm at my highest weight in my life @ 330lbs ........ I seriously am seing the need 2 do something about it & trying 2 find substitute foods 4 the 1 's I enjoy ; such as baked chips & popcorn ,diet pop & ice tea & I found that special K bars with chocolate in them are good & low cal & there's also Thinsations treats in the market with chocolate treats as wel....... I hope this is help 2 you.....
  • jackie4536
    This is my first day on myfitnesspal. My weight is out of control. I got into some bad eating habits, and I now weigh 160 pounds! Im 5'2"! My only saving grace is that I like to exercise. I logged in my food and my exercise. I am hoping that I can stay motivated!