Not letting the scale determine your mood...

I weigh everymorning.. before I even brush my teeth, I am on the scale. (Brushing my teeth follows immediately, of course)
This morning I weighed .2 lbs more than yesterday.. I know to not pay it too much attention, but for some reason it's still in the back of my head and its aggravating as all get out! It's like if what I did yesterday didn't help any.. then whats gonna help?! Yes, I probably sound like a whiney little b*tch right now.. but hell, I gotta vent.. that's why we are all here. I keep reminding myself that its no biggie and I shouldnt weigh myself everyday.. but 95% of the time I do see a lower number everytime I weigh myself.. and that is what keeps me weighing everymorning.. but then days like today happen and it's sooooo hard not to stress over it. Now I'm thinking DAMN I can't wait til the morning to weigh myself and see what it says.
Im sure I sound like a mad woman....


  • Nikki_WantsIt
    Nikki_WantsIt Posts: 204 Member
    95% is a complete exaggeration, but you get the point..
  • mefit87
    mefit87 Posts: 57 Member
    I have the same issue. I weigh myself EVERY morning. I roll out of bed and step on the scale. I know it's a bad habit but It's sooo addicting. The number on the scale has the power to shape the mood I'll be in for the rest of the day. I'm going to try to stop making the scale a daily ritual and push myself to avoid it until once a week.
  • Evachiquita
    Evachiquita Posts: 223 Member
    I'm up 2 pounds from where I was earlier in the week. Oh well. I know it's water. I'm dehydrated and my muscles are sore from last night's work out. Plus carb loading for the weekend. 0.2 pounds is barely detectable and probably within a margin of error for the scale. Seriously don't sweat it. Or sweat some then you will weigh 0.2 pounds less! lol
  • Hab1978
    Hab1978 Posts: 57 Member
    I am right there with you...the scale was consuming my life! I weighed everyday, sometimes up to 3 different times during the day. I started noticing though, along the way, that depending on how the numbers read, that my mood changed and the outcome would determine what kind of day I had. That made for a vicious cycle!

    A few weeks ago, I decided to hide the scale. I set a date on the calendar and circled it in red. I WILL NOT weigh again until March 25th. At first, it was very difficult, the urge to hop on that scale was sometimes overwhelming, but now I don't miss it too much. I'm focusing more on how my body is changing and taking measurements. It's really helped me to make better choices throughout the day also, because I am looking forward to (hopefully) seeing a pretty good loss when I do finally get to weigh in. Maybe you could give something like that a try? Pick a date and try to avoid the scale in the meantime? Good Luck!
  • Nikki_WantsIt
    Nikki_WantsIt Posts: 204 Member
    Hmmm.. Maybe I should tell my husband to hide it, and when it's time to weigh.. he can pull it out. I know he'd enjoy that power. LOL. Thank yall for replying! It helps a lot.