Put Downs

Many do understand that 10 or 8 lbs for a certain weight is too much, but still engage in these challenges because it's motivating to see so many people try to reach a goal. Kind of like the statement, "Go big or go home." You make a hard goal so that you work harder than you would normally. For some people, telling themselves their goal is 3 lbs. for one month wouldn't work. It seems a lot easier to attain, so less effort is likely to be put in. I think i have alot of time to lose so little weight so this bag of chips isn't going to hurt. I'm healthy, eat enough, and I am active. I have joined other goal topics like 10 lbs in Feb, knowing i probably would't hit that 10 lb mark but for motivation and support and inspiration. It was neat to see other peoples progress and know that im not in this alone. Is there anyone out there that also is tired of hearing our goals are not healthy and not acheiveable? Im looking for support and someone winning the weight loss battle as well.


  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Why would you want to set a health goal that is detrimental to your health??

    I mean, no one would applaud you if you said "I want to finally get healthy, so I became anorexic!"