Stuck in a rut... I've hit a plateau. Help!!



  • szuluaga0611
    I do eat too low but I feel full when I do eat. I eat 3 meals a day and 2 or 3 snacks a day. I am definitely going to take your advice and increase it. I dont know how but I will and I am going to find out my BMR.
  • szuluaga0611
    thank you!!!
  • jlsteele01
    jlsteele01 Posts: 9 Member
    If you are eating the "fat free," "low fat," "sugar free" mess, then that could be a reason. Make sure that you aren't eating that because it's just empty things that confuse your body. Try eating whatever you want for a day and then going back and counting again. That always helps me. Good luck!
  • szuluaga0611
    You say you want a life style change, but under 1200 calories is not sustainable (as people keep telling you). When you figure out your TDEE and BMR. Try for certain percentages of protein, carbs and fat. For me I try 40-50% Protein, 30-40% Carbs, and the rest in Fat (10-20%)

    Also, consider this, Do you want to carry around a scale to show people how much you weight? or do you want a sculpted awesome body? Sometimes the scale is secondary to how your clothes fit and the shape of your body. Just food for thought.

    My goal is 1200 calories but I do ever get to 1200. I definitely want a great shape, i dont care so much about the number on the scale, but i think i need to start. I'm 5'4'' and should be weighing around 125-145. I weighed 200 pounds and now weigh 182. I do want to get down to a healthy weight. I am definetly going to try and increase my calorie intake and switch up my exercise routine.
  • szuluaga0611
    If you are eating the "fat free," "low fat," "sugar free" mess, then that could be a reason. Make sure that you aren't eating that because it's just empty things that confuse your body. Try eating whatever you want for a day and then going back and counting again. That always helps me. Good luck!

    Nope, everything I eat needs to be fresh or raw with no perservatives.
  • szuluaga0611
    Thanks so much guys for your replies!!! The support is great to have. Its been two weeks since I haven't lost a pound. I do alot of cardio but because I wan't to get lean before I do any strength training. My goal is to loose 50 lbs to be at my target weight. I wanted to be mid-way when I started my strength training. My calorie intake is under 1200 always... I normally eat around 800-900 calories. I drink lots of water almost 14 8oz a day. What I thought maybe is my protein intake. I go over the number alloted. Not by much but its always over.

    If you truly want to understand how your body works and how you can make sure your numbers are right, read this. PM me with any questions.

    Thanks so much!!!
  • bclever13
    bclever13 Posts: 44
    You need to put some food in your diet that you took out....just a small portion...this will trick your body into thinking it is still getting some of the food you used to a cookie...only 1 ..... do this once a me it does work
  • Julzanne72
    Julzanne72 Posts: 467 Member
    Thanks so much guys for your replies!!! The support is great to have. Its been two weeks since I haven't lost a pound. I do alot of cardio but because I wan't to get lean before I do any strength training. My goal is to loose 50 lbs to be at my target weight. I wanted to be mid-way when I started my strength training. My calorie intake is under 1200 always... I normally eat around 800-900 calories. I drink lots of water almost 14 8oz a day. What I thought maybe is my protein intake. I go over the number alloted. Not by much but its always over.

    You're eating an extremely low number of calories and that's not doing your metabolism any favors. Your body has the ability to get used to the calories you're taking in and ultimately, thwarting your weight loss. When you start out that low, you have no where to go from there. If I were you, I'd start over and research your numbers - figure your TDEE and subtract 20 or 25% and have that be your new calorie goal. Unfortunately, you may see a weight gain at first from this change but you need to stick with it and get to a healthier place. Switch up your exercise routine in the meantime and most of all, be patient. You need to feed your body to get the long-term results you want. 800-900 calories is not sustainable, or healthy. I'm assuming you're in this for the long haul rather than looking for crash-diet results. Start over and prepare for a healthier route.
    ^^^This!! I can tell you that I have my diary set to lose a lb a week, want to lose 50 total, and I start at 1400 calories w/out my exercise calories. I also eat my exercise calories back, lost 3.5 this week, don't expect that every week, but you definitely aren't eating enough, especially if you are working out.
  • bclever13
    bclever13 Posts: 44
    Options need to eat at least 1200 calories....your putting your body into starvation mode and you won't lose may actually gain weight
  • greyoutside
    You're four weeks in and have already lost 18 pounds? That doesn't sound like a plateau to me. Just keep doing what you're doing.
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    You're four weeks in and have already lost 18 pounds? That doesn't sound like a plateau to me. Just keep doing what you're doing.

    Exactly... I've lost 1-2 pounds THIS MONTH and that's still not a plateau.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I don't think that word means what you think it means.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Eat more calories about 200-300 per day for about a week and then go back to your usual calorie intake. You have to reset your metabolic thermostat.

    At least that worked for me.

    I am sure I will get crucified because of this post by many so let the hating begin! :D

    As you should. You are promoting starvation. By what standards should you NOT get crucified about that?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    The first week or two is water weight. However, water weight masks 'real losses'. Water weight can be impacted by a bunch of things such as hormonal changes, macro mix changes, our cycles, exercise etc . However, I would advice you to take a read of this:
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Options need to eat at least 1200 calories....your putting your body into starvation mode and you won't lose may actually gain weight

    While I do not believe in large deficits - this is just not the case. Unless she has been on a severe VCLD for a long time, is tiny and not ambulatory, or has a metabolic disorder, she will not gain weight (read fat) on less than 1,200 calories.
  • Luvladybugs77
    Hi There....I have lost a total of 80 pounds and the greatest advice I ever got to get over my plateau was to begin group fitness classes such as zumba and spin. Just changing things up and having the support of people around me with the same goal got me over the "hump"! Hope that helps!
  • limitedmommy
    limitedmommy Posts: 27 Member

    It helped me to figure out how long and how many calories I should be eating
  • retrobaby
    retrobaby Posts: 613 Member
    Trick your body and have 1 cheat day with food, but still exercise. Keep us posted on what worked.
  • szuluaga0611
    I am 4 weeks in on my fitness and weight loss journey to loose 50 pounds. So far I've lost 18 pounds. That's great progress but now the scale won't move. I've amped my work-outs a half hour and I am eating clean. No sugar, no salt, no fat....and the weight is not budging. This is a lifestyle change for me and I'm trying not to get discouraged. Please help... any suggestions will be helpful and greatly appreciated !!!!

    So let me get this right, you lost 18lbs in a month, so it has been a month now... and the scale hasn't moved.

    How long has it been since it moved?

    Well now Im on to the 5th week, I lost 18 pounds in 3 weeks and now the scale has been stagnant for two weeks.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I am 4 weeks in on my fitness and weight loss journey to loose 50 pounds. So far I've lost 18 pounds. That's great progress but now the scale won't move. I've amped my work-outs a half hour and I am eating clean. No sugar, no salt, no fat....and the weight is not budging. This is a lifestyle change for me and I'm trying not to get discouraged. Please help... any suggestions will be helpful and greatly appreciated !!!!

    So let me get this right, you lost 18lbs in a month, so it has been a month now... and the scale hasn't moved.

    How long has it been since it moved?

    Well now Im on to the 5th week, I lost 18 pounds in 3 weeks and now the scale has been stagnant for two weeks.

    Two weeks is not a stall. Water weight fluctuations mask 'real' weight loss.