Cycling pain

Hello all!
I've recently reached a plateau in my weight loss and decided to try cycling. I haven't cycled for about 5 years but I never imagined it would be as hard as it was! I set off to my local shop, about 10 minutes cycle with a few low hills. I felt like laying down and giving up my thighs burnt and even the smallest hill had me puffing and panting. I am 163lb and 5'4 and basically I just wondered if anyone knows how long it'll take for my body to get used to cycling as the pain in my thighs put me off a bit. If it is going to do this for the next month it'll make me a sad panda :( or if there are better tips for dealing with a plateau.
Thank you :)


  • benol1
    benol1 Posts: 867 Member
    Do you know whether the bike you are using is appropriate for you and the conditions?
    Is the bike ready to use and free from maintenance issues?
    Are the tyres flat?
    Try cycling on flat or relatively flat ground. It may take a little while for your body to get used to the geometry of the bike and your legs to get used to the load they experience. I remember the first time I took a new road bike out with my brother and I attempted a small hill for the first time - I thought I was going to die. If you persevere, you will find that cycling is a fun physical activity.
    kind regards,
