breakfast on the go



  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    I slice about 4 ot 5 straberries the night before and leave them in a container with some blueberries. Then I make sure to take some greek yogurt of non-fat vanilla yogurt and mix it all at work. Its tasty and filling.
  • allykat8
    allykat8 Posts: 237
    Some of my favorite, filling, and easy/quick breakfasts are:

    Greek Yogurt (Chobani or Oikos) and 1 cup fresh cup up strawberries
    Arnold Sandwich Thins w/1 tbsp peanut butter and 1 tbsp apple butter or sugar free jelly/jam
    Special K Protein Meal Bar and 1 apple
  • geekyjen
    geekyjen Posts: 103 Member
    Egg whites (All Whites brand, microwave for ~90 seconds) on top of a double fiber english muffin (~100 calories, 8g fiber depending on the brand) toasted with a slice of 2% skim cheddar cheese (60 cals).

    Lots of protein and fiber. Low on fat. ~200 calories Takes the amount of time the toaster takes to toast it (and can go in the car easily). Keeps me full longer than almost anything else and I love it!
  • Jenn329
    Jenn329 Posts: 5
    I am a HUGE fan of dry cereal. I bring little baggies of cereal to work every morning and eat handfuls throughout the morning...keeps me from getting too hungry rather than just eating the whole serving at once. My favs are banana nut cheerios, mini wheats little bites chocolate flavor, and mother's brand peanut butter bumpers... i have a bit of a sweet tooth :).