Spinning Question - for the ladies!



  • Erica_theRedhead
    Erica_theRedhead Posts: 724 Member
    You should be fine going tomorrow. I've never done padded shorts, but that is probably the best way to go. Short term since you want to go tomorrow tho, is bring a little hand towel that's still large enough to hang over the seat a bit. It's not ideal, but helped me once when I was in a bind.
  • katimama
    katimama Posts: 191 Member
    Thanks everyone! Great tips! I think I'll go for it tomorrow morning and just try to push through the pain. Not enough time to get a padded seat or bike shorts, but hopefully some Advil and the positioning tips will help get through tomorrow. No pain, no gain right??
  • benol1
    benol1 Posts: 867 Member
    LOVE my bike shorts!! I spent the extra money and bought a good pair.

    Excellent, and I recommend that you purchase the best quality bike shorts you can afford. They are a worthy investment.

    My road bike has a racing saddle on it which makes the saddles on the RPM/Spin bikes luxuriously comfortable in comparison. About ten years ago I did a lot of cycle commuting and endurance cycle events inc. a 200km 8-hour ride and several years in a 24hr 520km endurance event. My saddle felt like sitting on the thin edge of a chisel!

    Do get the bike shorts and I also concur with the previous poster who recommended that you wind the resistence dial up to at least "working load" so that you are not bouncing around on the seat and some of your body weight is being supported by your feet and legs. Also, when you set the bike up, ensure that when your leg is fully extended on the down cycle of the pedal, that the angle between the upper and lower leg is around 170 degrees (or 10 degrees off completely straight). Any more or less may increase the pressure on your perineum area.
    Wishing you all the best,

  • ChristineH1001
    I want to try Spinning but Im not sure if i can get through a whole class..
    Do the class is at your pace do what works for you, don't worry about the person next to you, and before you know it you will be awesome at it!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I am seriously into Spinning (I plan to become a certified Spinning instructor this fall - I'm just pregnant at the moment) and can say the soreness does go away after a few classes. Don't bother with the padded shorts/seat unless it continues to be a problem! I was so sore after my first class and considered buying one or the other, but after 3-4 classes I was fine and am glad I never made the investment.

    As for going two days in a row, I wouldn't. Let your butt/crotch rest! Monday morning sounds good. Only when your body is comfortable in the saddle should you go back-to-back like that (which will be totally fine - before I was pregnant I did that all the time because it often suited my schedule).

    I third the advice about sitting properly in the saddle (make sure you're on your "sit bones") and that your resistance is never so light that your butt bounces around in the saddle. It should always be firmly planted :)

    Best wishes, and enjoy! I was hooked after my first Spinning class, and I got so into it that I'd go 4x/week! It's addictive!