Newbie Here

Well Kinda :smile: I've had my account for a few months, but when life got to hard I feell off the wagon. Now I am back more motivated then ever. I'm Jessica. 25 years old. Married for 5 years. Mother to 3 littles ones. Ages 4, 2 1/2, 16 months. 3 children in 3 years has really taken a toll on my body. Last summer I was at my highest weight 251. The beginning of this year I started my weight loss journey for the 2nd time at 222. As my health starts having problems I realize that I need to do something. I need to lose the weight that I have put on these last 5 years. (yes, gained weight shortly after I got married because I got pregnant). I'm starting to have joint problems, back problems, heart problems bc of the weight that I have put on so fastly. I need support from somewhere that I am not getting from my family & friends. Thanks for listening to me ramble. It was not my intention. :happy:


  • Sebastiansmommy
    From one Jessica to another....Welcome:flowerforyou:
  • MrsTupp05
    Welcome to the board! I'll support you and encourage you through this. :-) Looking forward to getting to know you!