Damage Control

saram21 Posts: 88
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I have never really stuck with a plan and been successful before. I have been at this now for about 90 days and I have lost a total of about 28 pounds overall. Although I have been doing well, I have gotton off course these last few days . A few days ago I went to the Texas Crawfish Festival and I had margaritas, the next day I had donuts, yesterday I had half of a large piaza and Wendys!!! I am not sure why I am letting myself do this! I am beginning to feel unmotivated and lazy. I have set myself back about 3 pounds. I never actually went too far off from my goal and when I completed my logs the weight in five weeks was still lower than what I am today. I know the extra weight I am seeing on the scale is water weight because I went way over in sodium everyday this week and overall have drank tons of diet coke and hardly any water at all. But I am still frusturated. I guess the reason I am poasting today is to find out if anyone knows a way that I can save this week and get back on track fairly quickly. I am about to restart doing cardio, right now.


  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    As I've said in the past, success isn't measured in a single day, or meal, or even week, it's measured by our ability to continue with the correct strategy and overcome some of the small hurdles that life (and our own subconcious) puts in front of us. so pick yourself up, dust off, and get right back on track and you'll be fine, don't dwell on mistakes, relish in the possibilities in front of you.

    Something I heard a long time ago on here (I forget who said it).

    "Nobody ever ruined their weight loss in 1 day, they ruined their weight loss by having one bad day and letting it affect how they felt about food!"

    Will power isn't the ability do deny yourself, it's the ability to say "Yes I want it, but I want to be healthy and feel awesome, more!"
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    I think most of us have a tendency to sabotage ourselves at some point during out weight loss. I actually think we lose the weight faster than our emotional self catches us to our success and we don't feel worthy. While I understand your concern, you will be back on track immediately if you just start logging your foods and aiming to stay within the calorie goals you have preset here in MFP. What is done is done, so no need to dwell on it. Sounds like you enjoyed some good stuff!!!! YUM! You will be fine; just recommit to finish the journey you have started. Go look in the mirror at your great accomplishment. I am sure you are wearing smaller sized clothing as well. Keep your favorite jeans hanging in sight as a reminder of your daily path to better fitness. IT is a day to day process so don't view getting off track as the end of the rails.
  • mirgss
    mirgss Posts: 275 Member
    I am going to sound like an echo here...but concentrate on the future and how you can change things! No need to feel guilty about going "off the wagon" for a few days - no one is perfect. And it definitely sounds like you enjoyed yourself! That is an important part of life too. There's no point in being skinny if you feel miserable all the time. So, think of the success you've had so far, and set yourself a goal - work out 3x this week and you can ____. Or something like that :)

    Have a good one! You're doing great!
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Yep, just eat something healthy and get right back to it. I was super bad last Friday. I had mexican food and a brownie fudge sundae. I went right back to it on Saturday and today I'm half a pound less than I was Friday morning. We shouldn't deprive ourselves of things we really want. We just need to know how to get right back to doing what we should.
  • kajaknowers
    kajaknowers Posts: 113 Member
    You've done amazing in 90 days....and the most important thing is that you are totally aware of what you are eating.....in 90 days you've lost a lot of weight....3 lbs gain is nothing in the whole.....I assume you want to keep going for another few months until you reach your goal....your going in the right direction and I'm sure you feel better for it.....u are finally in charge of your diet and a few drinks and donuts there can be lost in literally a few hours exercise.....just get back on the diet road, and you'll be thankful for it very soon x
  • simona1972
    simona1972 Posts: 355 Member
    As I've said in the past, success isn't measured in a single day, or meal, or even week, it's measured by our ability to continue with the correct strategy and overcome some of the small hurdles that life (and our own subconcious) puts in front of us. so pick yourself up, dust off, and get right back on track and you'll be fine, don't dwell on mistakes, relish in the possibilities in front of you.

    Something I heard a long time ago on here (I forget who said it).

    "Nobody ever ruined their weight loss in 1 day, they ruined their weight loss by having one bad day and letting it affect how they felt about food!"

    Will power isn't the ability do deny yourself, it's the ability to say "Yes I want it, but I want to be healthy and feel awesome, more!"

    Wow! That was REALLY well said.
  • Bleux
    Bleux Posts: 186
    We all have to make the committment every morning of every day to make the right choices. When faced with a tough one, I remember to ask myself, "this is your choice, but is it going to help or hurt you?" Sometimes I give in and then have to start all over the next day. But I try not to let my failures affect my future decisions. You made a mistake, own it and move on. Try to remember how you felt after indulging and the next time a choice like this comes along again, ask yourself, does this help or hurt my ultimate goals.
  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member

    Some wise person on here wrote a post a few months ago (wish I had saved it) about the concept of U-turn. When you are driving down a road and take a wrong turn, as soon as you realize it's wrong, you make a U-turn. Life on this journey toward health can work the same way. You had a few days of overindulgence (for whatever reason, it really doesn't matter). Today is your chance to make a U-turn. I'm also a fan of making U-turns during the course of a single day. If I overindulge early in the day, it's never too late to turn around and make healthier choices for the rest of the day.

    As others have said, you have made amazing progress so far. You've come this far, you CAN keep going!
  • saram21
    saram21 Posts: 88
    I took the advice of a lot of the poasters and decided not to let my mistake become a failure! I went to the gym and got some cardio done and I was careful of my food intake. Thank you everyone! You all have motivated me so much and I am officially back on track!
  • tutujoli
    tutujoli Posts: 104 Member

    When I have a couple of days like that (I'm there right now, in fact) and I know its water weight....that's my motivator.

    I always want to take care of it before water weight becomes real weight.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    It is called LIFE!! The biggest mistake we make is to say it "I already messed up this day, week, month, screw it!" So just pick yourself back up and continue your course. :)
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