


  • ramieriley

    I used to aim for 1250 and felt terrible - weak and hungry. I'm now happy, strong and losing on 1800-1900/day. :)

    That's good to know! I'm going to increase to about 1450 and see where that takes me :) Hopefully I can still consistently lose 1lb a week or so.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    You seem to eat a lot during the day and evening, but too little at breakfast !
    Try eating low GI ,and a more substantial breakfast .
    Low GI keeps you satisfied longer, and a good breakfast sets you up for the day.
    Good luck:smile:

    I know, that's one of my major issues. I have it in my mind that if I eat a large breakfast I'm screwed for the day because I won't have enough calories... I know that's definitely the wrong way of thinking.

    Eat in a way/frequency that allows better adherence and energy . It's a personal preference.

    Yep, this.

    I've done it both ways (with and without breakfast) and if your calories are in line it does not matter when you eat them.
  • ramieriley
    You seem to eat a lot during the day and evening, but too little at breakfast !
    Try eating low GI ,and a more substantial breakfast .
    Low GI keeps you satisfied longer, and a good breakfast sets you up for the day.
    Good luck:smile:

    I know, that's one of my major issues. I have it in my mind that if I eat a large breakfast I'm screwed for the day because I won't have enough calories... I know that's definitely the wrong way of thinking.

    Eat in a way/frequency that allows better adherence and energy . It's a personal preference.

    So it's totally okay if I just have coffee for breakfast if I'm not incredibly hungry? I'm typically not hungry in the am but I like to have a yogurt or banana if I have them around.
  • Biitchstix
    I had the same problem so I increased my calories a bit and it's really been helping.
    Your intake should be somewhere between your BMR and TDEE so once you calculate those you can figure out what's best for you/your diet. If you starve your body then it'll end up craving all things horrible and you'll either give into the cravings or just end up really miserable. (that's what happened to me anyways.)
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member

    I used to aim for 1250 and felt terrible - weak and hungry. I'm now happy, strong and losing on 1800-1900/day. :)

    That's good to know! I'm going to increase to about 1450 and see where that takes me :) Hopefully I can still consistently lose 1lb a week or so.

    Glad to hear you're going to give this a try - I think you'll be happy with the change! Also, know that when you have so little to lose, a pound a week is a high-end goal (IMO). I average about 1/2 lb a week BUT I'm SEEING changes more rapidly than before (i.e., inches down, and better shape int he mirror). Get yourself a measuring tape to help put your progress in perspective :)
  • kabertrand63
    kabertrand63 Posts: 111 Member
    1200 is just too low. Impossible for me to eat that. So, I'm doing 1442 plus any activity (sometimes still go over). It works...if you under eat your body goes into starvation mode and until you don't eat enough for long enough, you could actually get fatter cuz your body will protect itself. And, as a previous poster said, stay active, keep moving.
  • ramieriley
    1200 is just too low. Impossible for me to eat that. So, I'm doing 1442 plus any activity (sometimes still go over). It works...if you under eat your body goes into starvation mode and until you don't eat enough for long enough, you could actually get fatter cuz your body will protect itself. And, as a previous poster said, stay active, keep moving.

    Thanks, I upped my limit to 1400ish and I found that after logging everything for my day I somehow stayed under 1200! How, I have no idea but I'm going to try to eat a larger breakfast tomorrow to balance things out. I feel really full today, not sure why when I ate less calories than I did yesterday. Probably the types of foods I was eating.