Recently had baby number 2 and need to lose weight!

Hi everyone! I have two daughters one who is 4 (10/28/08) and one who is almost 5 months (10/05/12)! My first daughter is from my previous marriage. It failed due to him no longer being attracted to me during and after pregnancy and his lack of desire to be a dad. Now I have an amazing fiancee who was amazing through the surprise of our daughter and is wonderful all around. Down side is since having baby number 2 via c-section I feel disgusting and will only be intimate with the lights off. My confidence has gone out the window not only in my relationship but also in my riding. I own my own horse farm at which I train horses and teach people how to ride as well as take them to shows ect. I started the Insanity workout this week and am hoping for some results as well as riding the horses and cleaning stalls. I am 5'7 and currently am 172.5lbs. My goal is to get down to 130lbs. I was 140 before I got pregnant with my first daughter and 150 before I found out about daughter #2. When I found out I was pregnant this last time I had just started to work out to try to lose weight but that got put on hold due to the pregnancy.

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